2 RamanEffect(orRamanScattering)•In1928,theIndianphysicistC.V.Ramandiscoveredthatthevisiblewavelengthofasmallfractionoftheradiationscatteredbycertainmoleculesdiffersfromthatoftheincidentbeam.•Furthermore,henotedthatthechange(shifts)infrequencydependuponthechemicalstructureofthemoleculesresponsibleforthescattering Fir...
thedevelopmentofthehi-techtoday,more fantasticeffecthasbeenaddedtothe programme. DoyouknowlikeUltramanpeople‘sagelayer? Fromchildrentoseniorcitizens. WheredoUltramancomefrom? UltramanisfromM78planet. That’sall. Thankyou! THANKYOU SUCCESS 2019-7-31 13可编辑...
With the development of the hi-tech today, more fantastic effect has been added to the programme. Questions: Do you know like Ultraman people‘s age layer? From children to senior citizens. Where do Ultraman come from? Ultraman is from M78 planet. That’s all. Thank you! THANK YOU ...
New Physics: Gradient-Field Raman Effect. Low efficiency of the Raman scattering. Low throughput of the SNOM Fiber probes. Very long acquisition times for Imaging purposes. High mechanical and thermal stability are required. Investigated Samples: Tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) crystal showing surface...
stress/strainstateCrystalsize qualityofcrystal(crystalsize)crystal(molecule)symmetryandorientation 不同的物质,其拉曼谱是不同的,就象人的指纹一样,因此拉曼光谱可用于物相的分析与表征。Fig.1ThepictureoftheMingYongleBlueandWhiteporcelain.Ip>0.9 4000 3800 3600 3400 3200 Intensity Ip=0.830002800 2600 永乐...
qualityofcrystal(crystalsize)crystal(molecule)symmetryandorientation 不同的物质,其拉曼谱是不同的,就象人的指纹一样,因此拉曼光谱可用于物相的分析与表征。Fig.1ThepictureoftheMingYongleBlueandWhiteporcelain.Ip>0.9 4000 3800 3600 3400 3200 Intensity Ip=0.830002800 2600 永乐青花瓷 2400 2200 2000 1800 ...
1. A method to increase the sensitivity of the Raman effect by multiple orders of magnitude, allowing detection of one or more trace molecules that are exuded from a chemical compound of interest and present in a medium, thus enabling a real-time, stand-off sensor, comprising: selecting as ...
Recyclable chipDue to enrichment effect of Mercury ions (Hg), even if the concentration of Hg is very low, it will do harm to human health. Precise detection of trace Hg is important for environment protection and human health monitoring. In this work, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are ...