Though the three different types of colloids have comparable surface potential and concentration, citrate-Au colloids exhibit a much lower efficiency than the other two Ag colloids due to a poorer plasmonic effect. Additionally, the efficiency of citrate-Ag colloids is slightly lower than Hya-Ag ...
SERS effect relies on nanostructures that need to be designed to maximize enhancement factors and molecular specificity. In addition to numerical modeling, an analytical tool capable of imaging localized enhancement would be an added value.Read more TERS Characterization of phospholipid bilayers and ...
Supplementary Notes 1–6, Figs. 1–19 and Table 1. Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Qin, JK., Liao, PY., Si, M. et al. Raman response and transport properties of tellurium atomic chains encapsulated in nanotubes. Nat Electron 3, 141–147...
From a basic science perspective, many key performance characteristics of LIBs are enabled by the natural formation of interphases at electrochemically active electrode/electrolyte interfaces. The solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) that forms at the anode/electrolyte interface is perhaps the most well-know...
In this study, we prepared model tablets and intentionally changed only the distribution of disintegrants, and visualized this distribution using the Raman chemical imaging technique to evaluate the effect on the dissolution behavior of the tablets. We found that tablet disintegration occurs completely ...
methodofRamanspectrometerareintroduced.Thepracticeapplicationandthenotesduring applicationforRamanspectrometerareexpounded,whichprovidesareferenceforpopularizing inonlineapplication. Keywords:adsorptiveseparation;simulatedmovingbed;Ramaneffect;opticalalignment; spectrometer ...
Author notes L. S. Arighi Present address: Department of Chemistry, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon, USA M. V. Evans Present address: Department of Chemistry, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass., USA Authors and Affiliations Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Ma...
skip generation of the graphical representations of the VIBRANT's results. You may wish to use this flag if you simply have no use for the output figures or if for some reason this function of VIBRANT is causing the program to break. This will have little effect on runtime. Default = ...
We find that when decreasing the pulse width below these values the adiabaticity condition is no longer fulfilled and oscillations start to appear, while if it is too large the effect of decay becomes significant. Figure 3: STIRAP dependence on single-photon and two-photon detunings. Here the...
this is the first characterisation of multi-wavelength Raman lasing on a monolithic LN chip. In addition, we investigate the effects of the Raman process on Kerr comb generation and soliton mode-locking for both polarisations and show that the Raman effect can be controlled to enable mode-locked...