SimRallyCn日赛2022 赛事规则 出于我们对赛事的丰富性需求,自2022年10月10日起,SimRallyCn团队决定添加日赛赛事。 赛事须知 ①比赛平台需安装RSF版的RBR,RSF的官方网站 ②已经注册了RSF账号,且把车手修改好中国国籍,赛委会只统计中国籍车手积分(包含香港,澳门,台湾车手),无设置好国籍的不计算积分...
拉力路书工具,可以播放 Dirt Rally 1.0; Dirt Rally 2.0; RBR; EA Sports™ WRC; 游戏的路书 展开 收起 尘埃拉力赛2 DR2 路书 领航员 游戏 暂无标签 C# 等6 种语言 C# 88.2% Lua 9.4% Python 1.1% Inno Setup 0.8% Batchfile 0.3% Other 0.2% AGPL-3....
You can download it for free from with the mod and detailed instructions. There is a community to play it online with too. Cheers! ↑ ↓ SooS 2019-12-17 9 points The best rally sim ever made, period. See older comments (38)...
Richard Burns Rally是将“Richard Burns Rally"翻译成 英文。 译文示例:A csapata elszánta magát, hogy egy saját plugint feleszt ki a Richard Burns Rally-hoz. ↔ The beginning: The crew decided to develop their own plugin for Richard Burns Rally. Richard ...
RallySimFans Tournament plugin. (author: team). RallysimFans Home page RBRPro content manager tool. (author: TGD, Carlo Iovino). RBRPro Home Page RBR Car Installation Tool, RBRCIT. (author: Zissakos). RBRCIT Home page EasyRBR car and track manager tool. (author: Plank...
Fans Rally to the GB Cause
The Central European Rally was a unique challenge taking on three different countries in as many days. It is also the location where we celebrated the launch of EA SPORTS™ WRC, giving fans on-site some hands-on time with the game, and where EA SPORTS ambassador Kalle...
游戏中的车库选择很优秀,并且 +2 分享622 dirtrally吧 humingxu3 自己的dirt rally,连不上racenet?进入主界面,一直英文提示racenet不可用什么的,连不上啊,网络连接都好的,听说要注册什么账号什么的 分享46赞 尘埃拉力赛吧 bestnetboy 《尘埃拉力赛 Dirt Rally》个人心得要领本人是PS4版,这游戏确实难,但是玩...
rallysimfans.hu77%181.8K車輛 > 賽車運動#168分析rallysimfans.hu對比至 brnoracingteam.webnode.cz73%--車輛 > 賽車運動--分析brnoracingteam.webnode.cz對比至 ly-racing.de73%--車輛 > 賽車運動--分析ly-racing.de對比至 ...