由于Rallysimfans账号的注册和登录过程都需要经过Google人机验证,国内浏览器默认是不会显示的,要经过一些手段才能达到,有梯的话也行,没梯的话就用下面的几个方案也行,哪个都可以试试,我们一般都是采用多管齐下。 在注册的界面如果没有看到人机身份验证,你是不可能成功注册账号的 目前可用且稳定的方案有两个:浏览...
SimRallyCn日赛2022 赛事规则 出于我们对赛事的丰富性需求,自2022年10月10日起,SimRallyCn团队决定添加日赛赛事。 赛事须知 ①比赛平台需安装RSF版的RBR,RSF的官方网站:rallysimfans.hu ②已经注册了RSF账号,且把车手修改好中国国籍,赛委会只统计中国籍车手积分(包含香港,澳门,台湾车手),无设置好国籍的不计算积分...
Richard Burns Rally still have very active community, fans keep playing it in multiplayer and doing new mods for the game. There's few big websites with mods for this game:RallyeSim,RallySimFans(probably the biggest one),RBR Pro,Overtake(also has mods for many other racing sims). ...
Use NGPCarMenu in-game menu or INI file to enable/disable this integration. RallySimFans plugin (RSF). Refer to RSF home page for more information. RBRPro RBR bundle. Refer to RBRPro home page for more information.DownloadThe latest build of NGPCarMenu ...
Richard Burns Rally是将“Richard Burns Rally"翻译成 英文。 译文示例:A rallysimfans.hu csapata elszánta magát, hogy egy saját plugint feleszt ki a Richard Burns Rally-hoz. ↔ The beginning: The rallysimfans.hu crew decided to develop their own plugin for Richard Burns Rally. Richard ...
Free Fantasy WRC Competition - pit your wits against fellow WRC fans to see if you can become the Fantasy WRC Champion.
Rally 101: Stage Rally Explained TheRallyBeast Subaru WRX STI Rally Car Explained [Subaru Motorsp... TheRallyBeast 416Kposts 14Kmembers Since 2003 A forum community dedicated to rally car owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, ...
#DRIVE Rally from Polish developer Pixel Perfect Dude now has a release window for sometime this Autumn and it looks like a lot of fan for rally fans.
“WRC 8 becomes this year the new reference of sim-racing games” 8/10 –https://www.jeuxvideo.com/test/1101461/wrc-8-un-nouvel-opus-specialement-reussi.htm “This episode has been carefully developed and deserves the attention of simracing fans.” ...
(RBR_RX.dll with 417792 bytes, the file doesn't have version tag) integration. Use NGPCarMenu in-game menu or INI file to enable/disable this integration.RallySimFansplugin (RSF). Refer to RSF home page for more information.RBRProRBR bundle. Refer to RBRPro home page for more ...