The clearer the transaction with the customer, the less misunderstanding. Do not hide the raising prices. Post a price increase notice on our website to notify new visitors of the change. Both old and new prices and the rate of increase are displayed. Transparency helps customers in making in...
With the proliferation of streaming services like Netflix, who also happen to be raising their prices albeit in smaller increments, being up to date on television shows without an actual television is quickly becoming more expensive than just paying for a cable service. For some, the reason for...
Polyurethane is in mattresses we sleep on, clothing we wear, furniture we sit on, and even in certain medical devices. Don’t be swayed by a mudjacker who slanders poly. It’s important to remember that a mudjacker’s #1 competitor is a contractor who raises concrete with polyurethane....
Obviously, budget plays a huge role when hiring someone, but don’t always go solely on the basis of the lowest price available, as sometimes cheaper isn’t necessarily better either – make sure to research different companies and compare their prices alongside the quality of services offered t...