Unicode名称Happy Person Raising One Hand Unicode编号 HTML代码 CSS代码 飞机1 多文種補充平面 Unicode 块表情符号 Unicode 子块手勢符號 Unicode版本6.0 (2010) 表情符号版本1.0 (2015) 表情符号类别人与身体 表情符号子类别人的手势 Emoji NamePerson Raising Hand ...
🙋🏿♂️ 🙋🏾♂️ 详细介绍 Emoji中文名称男生举手: 中等-深肤色 Emoji英文名称man raising hand: medium-dark skin tone Unicode 版本8.0 Unicode 编码U+1F64B U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F 关键词 中等-深肤色举手男男生举手...
To avoid misunderstandings, first carefully read 🙋🏾 meaning and look at 🙋🏾 pictures before sending it to somebody: some emoji don't mean what you think they mean ;-) Person Raising Hand Emoji with Medium-Dark Skin Tone HTML-entities HTML entites are intended for using on websites...
🙋♂️ 🙋🏻♂️ 🙋🏽♂️ 🙋🏾♂️ 🙋🏿♂️ 🙋🏼♂️ 详细介绍 Emoji中文名称男生举手: 中等-浅肤色 Emoji英文名称man raising hand: medium-light skin tone Unicode 版本8.0 Unicode 编码U+1F64B U+1F3FC U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F ...
肤色扩展 🙋♀️ 🙋🏻♀️ 🙋🏽♀️ 🙋🏾♀️ 🙋🏿♀️ 🙋🏼♀️ 详细介绍 Emoji中文名称女生举手: 中等-浅肤色 Emoji英文名称woman raising hand: medium-light skin tone Unicode 版本8.0 Unicode 编码U+1F64B U+1F3FC U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F ...
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Because the person raising hand looks like it’s waiting on the receiving end of a high five, it becomes attached to the meaning.Another way of using this one hand up emoji is to actually raise your hand in a discussion. In school, raising your hand is to ask permission for something:...
Share this🙋♂️Man Raising Hand emoji on: https://emojiguide.com/people-body/man-raising-hand/ Url Copied! This Man Raising Hand Is Also Known As: man raising hand Man Raising Hand Emoji On Different Platforms Man Raising Hand Emoji Trend ...
The person tipping hand emoji is a gesture meaning that someone is about to say something or have a conversation. It’s a positive conversation, so don’t worry, you aren't in trouble. 🖐️ hand with fingers splayed +5 variants The Hand with Fingers Splayed emoji features just that...
意思 Apple举起一只手的人 Google开心地举起一只手的人 Twitter开心的人举着一只手 Unicode举手 同义词举起、开心、手、手势和高兴 类别笑脸与人物| 手势 图像 emojiunicode意思多样的肤色 🙋1F64B举手🙋🏻🙋🏼🙋🏽🙋🏾🙋🏿 🙋♀️1F64B 200D 2640 FE0F女生举手、开心的女人举着一只手...