The raised hand emoji has a range of tone. It can be negative. For example, it can convey “Stop bothering me” or “Don’t do that anymore” (e.g., talk to the hand). I can't deal with your negativity — Megan Greenwood (@megang_) May 21, 2015 It can also be more positi...
不说face with hand over mouth 安静的脸shushing face 想一想thinking face 中性或怀疑表情 闭嘴zipper-mouth face 挑眉face with raised eyebrow 冷漠neutral face 无语expressionless face 沉默face without mouth 得意smirking face 不高兴unamused face 翻白眼face with rolling eyes 龇牙咧嘴grimacing face 说谎lyin...
:raised_hands: :pray: :point_up_2: :clap: :muscle: :metal: :fu: :runner: :running: :couple: :family: :two_men_holding_hands: :two_women_holding_hands: :dancer: :dancers: :ok_woman: :no_good: :information_desk_person: :raising_hand: :bride_with_veil: :person_with_pouting_face...
Definition To worship someone or something A form of expression when celebrating involving the arms these are the fingers These are two hands raised in air. This shows where to place the hands. These are open hands. michelle uses it Someone is about to slap something with both hands praise ...
on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above 🔛 soon with rightwards arrow above 🔜 top with upwards arrow above 🔝 white heavy check mark ✅ raised fist ✊ raised hand ✋ victory hand ✌ fisted hand sign 👊 thumbs up sign 👍 white up pointing index ☝ white up po...
👳♂ :man_with_turban: :rage2: ✋ :raised_hand: 👐 :open_hands: 👈 :point_left: 👉 :point_right: 😩 :weary: 💞 :revolving_hearts: 😞 :disappointed: 😖 :confounded: 💛 :yellow_heart: 💙 :blue_heart: 👷 :construction_worker: 👮 :cop: 😿 :crying_cat_face: ...
✋:hand: ✋:raised_hand: 👐:open_hands: ☝️:point_up: 👇:point_down: 👈:point_left: 👉:point_right: 🙌:raised_hands: 🙏:pray: 👆:point_up_2: 👏:clap: 💪:muscle: 🤘:metal: 🖕:fu: 🚶:walking:
The Raised Fist emoji ✊ depicts a raised right hand clenched into a fist, displayed outwards as if raised into the air. The emoji is commonly used to express solidarity with historically oppressed groups or people and social causes. It is also used to convey various ideas of empowerment, ...
Person Raising Hand Raised Back of Hand Person Gesturing No Man and Woman Holding Hands Person Tipping Hand Writing Hand Thumbs Down Two Women Holding Hands Two Men Holding Hands Face with Hand Over Mouth Love-You Gesture Person Gesturing Ok ...
👎 :-1: 👎 :thumbsdown: 👌 :ok_hand: 👊 :punch: 👊 :facepunch: ✊ :fist: ✌️ :v: 👋 :wave: ✋ :hand: ✋ :raised_hand: 👐 :open_hands: ☝️ :point_up: 👇 :point_down: 👈 :point_left: 👉 :point_right: 🙌 :raised_hands: 🙏 :pray: 👆 ...