Feeding Oyster shells to your chickens will harden up the eggshells. Identify the hen or hens that are eating the eggs. Eliminate egg-eaters from the flock before they spread the habit or start on the others’ eggs.If nothing else works you can take out all the bedding in their nests and...
Chickens have their own “language” too, in the form of about 30 distinct vocalizations used for communication. But what’s even more interesting is the fact that they are able to communicate even before their birth. Through a purring sound, the mother hen “talks” to her eggs, and the...
These days a lot of people are raising chickens for economic benefits since these are harsh economic times. Raisingchickensfor meat and eggs has proven to be a good way to make a living. The eggs can be sold to other farmers or to your local store for extra income and thechickensare be...
“My wife and I have raised chickens for way over 25 years. We decided to switch to quails after hearing how much better the eggs were, and how much easier it was to keep them. But it was so different to having chickens! We couldn’t work out why our hatch rates were so low, and...
Duck eggs are just as tasty and versatile as farm-fresh chicken eggs, but need to be cooked differently to maximize their flavor. One Poultry Owner’s Experience with Avian Flu in Chickens, Geese, and other Poultry After avian flu decimated her flock, a poultry owner shares her experience an...
Being a chicken keeper can be a rewarding experience as chickens are funny as well as useful for eggs or meat (or both!). If you want to keep your own chicken flock, this practical advice on raising baby chicks will get you off to the right start!
Because Bobwhites are more challenging to raise, they may not be the best birds for beginners. They are great flyers and need large areas enclosed with netting, unlike the Coturnix breeds which don’t mind staying inside. You should allow 4 square feet of living space for each Bobwhite ...
In Episode 226 of Mother Earth News and Friends, Chris Fritzen of Grand Swan Farm covers some essential info you'd need to know before raising swans as pets or raising swans for profit. Raising swans isn't like raising chickens; caring for these beautifu
The complete guide to raising chickens is perfect for beginners, explaining food, healthcare, hygiene and the different breeds for meat and laying eggs.
If there are no eggs that have externally pipped, or if the egg you want to assist is the only one with an external pip, opening the incubator is not a risk. Mist the incubator and eggs every time you open the incubator. Be sure the humidity is as high as possible. You probably can...