Choosing the right breed of chicken is a crucial aspect of raising chickens for eggs, as different breeds exhibit varying levels of productivity, adaptability, and temperament. To ensure you select the ideal breed for your specific needs and goals, consider the following factors and our top recomm...
Raising Chickens For Eggs
Feeding Oyster shells to your chickens will harden up the eggshells. Identify the hen or hens that are eating the eggs. Eliminate egg-eaters from the flock before they spread the habit or start on the others’ eggs.If nothing else works you can take out all the bedding in their nests and...
Duck eggs are just as tasty and versatile as farm-fresh chicken eggs, but need to be cooked differently to maximize their flavor. One Poultry Owner’s Experience with Avian Flu in Chickens, Geese, and other Poultry After avian flu decimated her flock, a poultry owner shares her experience an...
Chickens need perches to roost at night and nesting boxes to lay eggs. Make perches by attaching 2×4 lumber to the coop’s walls, making sure they’re at least 18 inches apart. For nesting boxes, build individual cubbies using wooden crates or other sturdy materials. ...
The following picture is provided with permission from I think this is an excellent example of a typical chicken run that has been in use for more than a few months. Note the pits. That's where the chickens have scratched and scratched in the same spot for months. The up...
Once the avian influenza breakout has passed, which could take a couple years, the price of eggs will (should) go back down. By then, you may be close to saving on egg prices by raising your own chickens. My Pet Chicken.comsays the best time to get your chickens is in the spring...
The Backyard Chicken Farmer brings you useful information needed to raise chickens in an urban setting. Stay up to date with everything about chickens.
It’s homemade Buckwheat Milk Bread that I baked yesterday cooked in eggs I collected from our chickens, birds that I tended with care. It’s maple syrup that I boiled down from sap that I collected from trees that grow on this property that we call “ours.”… Continue reading Less ...
Chickens have their own “language” too, in the form of about 30 distinct vocalizations used for communication. But what’s even more interesting is the fact that they are able to communicate even before their birth. Through a purring sound, the mother hen “talks” to her eggs, and the...