Totaling it all together, the 5 day rain event led to rainfall totals generally less than an inch for the western Hill Country, Edwards Plateau, and Rio Grande Plains. The I-35 corridor picked up 3-8 inches of rain and the Coastal Plains had 5-15 inches of rain. A maximum of 14.45 ...
Add together all of the monthly rainfall totals in your sample data. You'll be adding measurements in inches because rainfall is generally measured in inches in the United States. Divide by the number of years in your data set to arrive at the average monthly rainfall for any location. An ...
The month with the peak rainfall in the region coincides with the northern-most position of the ITD (Dia-Diop et al. 2020). This period is defined as the Sahel phase as referred to by Thorncroft et al. (2003a), where the rainfall peak over West Africa is more intense and remains just...
In some regions, two month's worth of rain fell in a single day. Here is a look at just some of the two-day rainfall accumulations across the province, with information released by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) as of 5 a.m. ...
whereas the downstream region of Obiafu in the Niger Delta experienced significantly higher rainfall totals, with a range between 2789.53 and 4310.62. These values suggest a distinct difference in precipitation amounts between the upstream dam areas and the downstream deltaic region. In 2019, a slig...
Therefore, it is to mean that 88.5% of the time, a 1 mm increase in CHIRPS rainfall in each month was accompanied by a 0.8812 mm rise of observed rainfall over the entire study area; a minimum difference. Furthermore, the high coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0.8846 indicates ...
Since Friday morning, southern Minnesota has been hammered by round after round of excessive rainfall, resulting in high rainfall totals and flooding.
We defined the timing of the rainy season at grid-scale by the dates of the onset and cessation of rainfall based on pentad (5-day) rainfall totals. In the first step, we computed for each grid cell the climatological mean rainfall Pc of each pentad i of the calendar year as:Pc,i=(...
Figure4shows the annual rainfall patterns, including monthly and seasonal totals, for the Ebenat, Adiszemen, Nefasmewcha, Arbgebiya, Simada, and Mekaneyesus stations. The result revealed a consistent mono-modal rainfall pattern dominated by theKiremtseason (153DOY to 274DOY) in all the study ...
Rainfall totals 789 mm over the entire year, and shows the highest intensity during November (16.3 mm h−1). The spatial variability of radar rainfall, expressed as σR, is also highest for this event. December receives the largest bulk of rainfall, and is characterized as the ...