BM Hunter looking for a Heroic/Mythic Uldir raiding guild. Just came back from an extended personal break! I’d like to main this Hunter after playing healers as mains for the last ten years. To check my raid progression on my healer her name/realm is Pink - Moon Guard. (No accents i...
We strive to be better players and better people and build a group that works well with each other. Our guild is on average 21 and up and we have a very positive social aspect to our group. Since we raid a limited amount of days its important for all members to bring their best. ...
- Beast Mastery Hunter: BM Hunter can do all damage while moving, the benefits of this can be to be not be overstated when doing high difficulty or progress content, you bring a solid amount of utility for the group, you have crowd control such as bloodlust and misdirect, extremel...
i wish true shot aura was raid wide. I had to ask my raid leader to move me to another hunters group so i could snag his trueshot aura (I’m a BM hunter) Myci: Do you slot a feral? or a MM hunter? personally speaking as a fellow hunter (BM) I’d vote for a MM hunter for...
Hello, thank you for stopping by my post. As the title states, I am 4/8 M EP and I am looking for a weekend raid team server does not matter, but want to stay ALLIANCE. I am not looking for anything too hardcore, more fo…