BM Hunter looking for a Heroic/Mythic Uldir raiding guild. Just came back from an extended personal break! I’d like to main this Hunter after playing healers as mains for the last ten years. To check my raid progression on my healer her name/realm is Pink - Moon Guard. (No accents i...
Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7-10 CST (8-11 EST) Contacts: Divineblarg (Discord: Mint#3740 // btag: prizma#11192) Draykke (Btag: Draykke#1523 // Discord: Draykke#6210) Expectations: Play the class you enjoy and the spec you enjoy. We expect you will put in the ...
Genusis <Fatesworn> 5 posts 60 Human Hunter 18185 1 Dec 2019 Hello, thank you for stopping by my post. As the title states, I am 4/8 M EP and I am looking for a weekend raid team server does not matter, but want to stay ALLIANCE. I am not looking for anything too hardcore, ...
We raid tues-thurs-sun from 8:15-11:30est. We were 8/8M in Uldir and are currently 6/9M. We’re active both in game and discord. We’re looking for a solid hunter to join our team! If you’re interested, you can add my btag at: Sheridan#11238...
Hello, thank you for stopping by my post. As the title states, I am 4/8 M EP and I am looking for a weekend raid team server does not matter, but want to stay ALLIANCE. I am not looking for anything too hardcore, more fo…
Raid Times: Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s from 8:30pm-12:30am. If you are interested in joining either post on here or add one our battle tags: AFusco#1382 Ash#11430 Skinsaw-aerie-peakJanuary 2, 2019, 5:06am4 Hi Näsh, I would like to talk to you about my team. Please feel ...
Able to reliably make it on raid times. Mechanically competent. Around 400ilvl Current recruitment needs: High Priority: Healer DPS with healing offspec Any DPS classes not mentioned are also welcomed to apply. We generally follow the mantra “bring the player, not the class”. You’ll get ...
We are currently 3/9 M and raid Tuesday / Thursday 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM EST (8-11 Central). Add Btag: DrFeelgood#1459 I look forward to talking to you!Akorc <Post Apocalypse> 78 posts 60 Mag'har Orc Hunter 18195 Apr 2019 Hello, below is our general info, hit me up if it...
Another hour MAY or MAY NOT be added to raid for pushing top end kills. Any other organized activities will be 100% optional. CURRENT RECRUITMENT NEEDS Flex Healer: HOLY/SHADOW PRIEST HIGH PRIORITY Range DPS: Shadow Priest, Warlock, Mage, Elemental Shaman Melee DPS: Demon Hunter, ...