A key finding supporting a causal role of the immune system in the pathogenesis of hypertension is the observation that RAG1 knockout mice on a C57Bl/6J background (B6.Rag1?/?), which lack functional B and T cells, develop a much milder hypertensive response to Ang II (angiotensin II)...
Me´ noret S, Fontanie` re S, Jantz D, Tesson L, Thinard R, et al. (2012) Generation of Rag1-knockout immunodeficient rats and mice using engineered meganucleases. FASEB J 27: 703-11.Menoret S, Fontaniere S, Jantz D, Tesson L, Thinard R, Remy S, et al. Generation of ...
Gene correction efficiency exceeded the minimal proportion of functional HSPCs required to rescue immunodeficiency in Rag1鈥 /鈥 mice, supporting the clinical translation of HSPC gene editing for the treatment of RAG1 deficiency.doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.adh8162Maria Carmina Castiello...