Radiotherapy3-D planningPET guided radiotherapyProton radiation therapyBrain tumours account for 25% of all childhood neoplasms and are the most frequent solid tumour in children and treated according to multidisciplinary treatment concepts with surgery and depending on tumour type also chemotherapy and ...
Brain metastases are a frequent manifestation of several common solid tumour types, including lung cancer, breast cancer and melanoma. Although the presence of brain-metastatic disease continues to be associated with poor outcomes, advances in surgery, radiotherapy and systemic therapies that can permeate...
Memory T cells consist primarily of central memory (TCM) cells located in lymphoid tissue, effector memory (TEM) cells that circulate between peripheral blood and tissue, and tissue-resident memory cells that reside in peripheral tissue [27]. These cells can be maintained for a long time, even...
Memory T cells consist primarily of central memory (TCM) cells located in lymphoid tissue, effector memory (TEM) cells that circulate between peripheral blood and tissue, and tissue-resident memory cells that reside in peripheral tissue [27]. These cells can be maintained for a long time, even...
side effects. On the other hand, also radio-protective effects for the tumour are possible if new combined treatment schedules are used. Examples are cetuximab in multimodal radio-chemotherapy regimens for rectal cancer [115–119] or erythropoietin, which was thought to increase the haemoglobin ...
Why haven't combination therapies been more explored? The ability to target the biological response oftumour cellsto DNA damaging agents such asradiotherapyhas only really become possible in the last decade or so, however the lack of funding and interest in radiation biology has meant that primaril...
Hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for the treatment of brain metastases HSRT provides a high level of tumor control with minimal toxicity comparable to single-fraction stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). The results of the current... AK Kwon,SJ Dibiase,B Wang,... - 《Cancer》 被引量: 101发...
Radiotherapy for glomus jugulare paraganglioma P.Tran Ba Huy, inEuropean Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases, 2014 1.3.1Principle Stereotactic radiotherapyconsists of delivering radiation by using mini-beams converging onto the tumour target. In practice, photons are delivered to the ...
1) In experimental study, radiation and IL-2 indicated the synergic effects on the tumor growth inhibition. 2) Radiotherapy and IFN-beta for advanced head and neck and pelvic tumor were successful in tumor effects and tolerable in side effects. 3) The clinical trial showed that pathological ...
Burnet NG, Thomas SJ, Burton KE, Jefferies SJ, Burnet N. Defining the tumour and target volumes for radiotherapy. Cancer Imaging [Internet]. 2004 [cited 2020 Jul 15];4:153–61. Available from: Chang DS, Lasley FD, Das IJ, Mendonca MS, Dynlacht JR, Chang ...