Radiation Treatment: Age, Gender Can Affect RiskElizabeth Connor
For men, radiation to the testes can affect sperm count and how well they work. This doesn't necessarily mean you can't father a child. But if you want to have kids later on, you should talk with your doctor to see if you should use a sperm bank before treatment begins. Treatment ...
Radioactive Iodine tends to seek out the thyroid (making it useful in cancer treatment) whereas Strontium-90, which tends to seek out bone and bone marrow, and can lead to bone cancer and leukemia. For acute exposures, the first physical effects can be seen at around 25-50 rem, and ...
People in the place with NIR will show disliking to food. Development of cancerous cells, obesity and many other diseases that are life threatening. Why would negative NIR affect a place or a body? The Universe is filled with mystery and there are no answers for many questions. Fortunately,...
leading to infertility [148]. The extent of the damage caused by radiation depends on the dosage and exposure methods (radiotherapy alone or in combination with other treatment methods). Since spermatogonia are mitotically active, the dividing spermatogonia are most vulnerable to radiation treatment [...
Radioiodine therapy has a unique effect: the patient may become a hazard to other people. Thus, special governmental regulations affect the management of patients who are treated with radioiodine, and the physician administering the radioiodine must comply with these governmental policies. In addition,...
However, the complications and side effects of RT treatment seriously affect their QOL. The insufficiency of a specific radiotherapy scale measuring the QOL of Chinese HNC patients led us to translate and validate the QOL-RTI/H&N. The QOL-RTI/H&N had good content validity. The WHOQOL group ...
Weimerskirch PR, Ernst ME. (2001). “Newer dopamine agonists in the treatment of restless legs syndrome.” Ann Pharmacother. May: 35(5):627-30. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=11346069&query_hl=62&itool=pubmed_docsum ...
As radiation treatment was not randomised, selection bias could have resulted in differences between treatment groups with regard to other factors that affect second cancer risk – for example, smoking status, the clinical and pathological features of the initial cancer or concomitant disease. It ...
"The U.S. spends over $2 trillion dollars on health care each year, of which about 78% is from people with chronic illnesses, without adequately exploring and understanding what factors, including EMF/RF, contribute to imbalances in peoples bodies in the first place. After reading The Bio...