Rodents are considered to be a suitable model for studying ecological effects of radiation on wild animals because they have high fertility and short generation times, and because they inhabit the top layers of the soil where the highest doses of radiation are detected8. Furthermore, reference da...
- 《Radiation Protection Dosimetry》 被引量: 30发表: 2004年 Effects of radiation on the normal prostate gland Prostate cancer is one of the commonest tumours of adult males. It shows a range of biological behaviour: many tumours are discovered incidentally; others ... M.T.,SHEAFF,S.I.,....
Radiation therapy treatscancerby using high-energy waves to kill tumor cells. The goal is to destroy or damage the cancer without hurting too many healthy cells.It is given over a certain time period; it can be given around the time of surgery or chemotherapy. It can also be used to ease...
Formal research on the biological effects of RFR began more than 30 years ago. In my opinion, the research has been of high quality, innovative, and intelligent. All of us who work in this field should be proud of it. However, knowledge of the possible health effects of RFR is still in...
Exposure to low dose radiation (LDR) during inter-planetary travel is one of the major challenges to maintaining health during spaceflight. To determine the effects of 0.32 Gy of gamma radiation on the zebrafish liver we performed DEA on the radiation compared with the control group (28.5-rad ...
Due to the continuous rising ambient levels of nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMFs) used in modern societies—primarily from wireless technologies—that have now become a ubiquitous biologically active environmental pollutant, a new vision on how to
Only one cell line showed supra-additive effects for the combination of cisplatin and radiation, all others showed only additive effects. Our experiments showed also additive effects for combination of cisplatin and photon irradiation but only independent toxicities for the combination with carbon ion ...
Snow cover has a significant effect onclimateand on plant, animal, and human life. By increasing thereflectionofsolar radiationand interfering with theconductionof heat from the ground, it induces a cold climate. The lowheat conductionprotects small plants from the effects of the lowestwintertempera...
In this work, orbits of Lorentz spacecrafts and satellites are investigated under the perturbation of solar radiation pressure. An attempt is made to control the perturbation of the solar radiation pressure using the effect of Lorentz force that affects an electrically charged spacecraft. The charge ...
Moreover, other dietary restrictions, such as methionine deprivation, have shown promising results in enhancing the efficacy of radiation and antimetabolite chemotherapy. In patient-derived xenograft and autochthonous tumor mouse models, methionine restriction sensitized tumor cells to these treatments, possib...