Scientific & policy developments regarding the biological & health effects of electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, electric vehicles & other wireless technology, including 5G. Website curated by Joel Moskowitz, PhD, Director, Center for Family & Community ...
Repercussion of Electromagnetic Radiation from Cell Towers/Mobiles and Their Impact on Migratory BirdsElectromagnetic Radiation (EMR) are the radiations where the electric and magnetic field vary simultaneously and which generally comprises of x-rays, gamma rays and visible light. They are generally......
This paper starts with a basic introduction to the EMF radiation, how they are emitted through the cell towers and mobile phones. It then talks about the causes & sources of these health hazards, certain metrics like the safety distance & the statutory norms prevalent in different countries as...
vast database called, "The Internet of Things" that poses a threat to human health and civil liberties worldwide. At the proper frequency and field strength, cell towers can kill. Short of that, these towers cause thousands of harmful biological effects on plants and animals, includingdamage ...
The cell phones you use, computers, television sets, and Ipods are all sources of such harmful emissions. The Danger Involved FM radios, radars, and all the gadgets of telecommunication emit harmful electro magnetic waves which are highly dangerous. HT electricity lines, HT Towers, and Spying ...
8.3. Strategies to minimize the RFR exposures from external sources 8.3.1. Building location and landscaping To achieve very low RFR levels, new buildings may be located in a low-RFR environment, for example at a distance from cell towers, radio and TV broadcast towers, and radar sites (e....
Is Cell Tower Radiation Harmful? – A Brief Look At The Science! Cell phone towers emit mass amounts of Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation also known as "microwave" radiation. If you have ever seen the huge size and quantity of power cables that run these towers you... View Post link to ...
this infrastructure will be used to connect to cell towers, street antennas, wireless access points, and last-mile service hubs. If the communication from these last-mile service hubs to the hubs and access points to the users will be wireless, we will see an additional increase in the expos...
"Cellphones,cell towersand other wireless devices are regulated by most governments," said Moskowitz. "Our government, however, stopped funding research on the health effects of radiofrequency radiation in the 1990s." Since then, he said, research has shown significant adverse biologic and health ...
aboutfirefighters in California who were becoming mentally confused, unstable, and sickas a result of radiation exposure from cell towers, transmitters and antennas. These once powerful, strong, healthy men were suddenly getting lost in their own neighborhoods – neighborhoods where they had been ...