Apart from birds and animals, electromagnetic radiation emanating from cell towers can also affect vegetable, crop and plants in its vicinity.This study aims at studying the possible effects of Electromagnetic Radiations on all the above mentioned living beings.Suchetha Vijay...
deriving from cell phone, cell phone towers, laptop, microwave oven etc. may lead to detrimental effects on fertility. However, the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation have not been proven in human studies due to inherent limitations associated with carrying out human studies. Therefore, mor...
While NTP used RF levels comparable to what’s emitted by2G and 3G cellphones(near-field exposure), Ramazzini simulated exposure to cellphone towers (far-field exposure). In all, the Ramazzini Institute exposed 2,448 rats to 1.8 GHz GSM radiation at electric field strengths of 5, 25 and 5...
A group of health experts have worked together to disprove the misconception about the harmful effects of radiation from mobile phones and towers. The survey findings can assure mobile phone users on the ...
A group doctors from across Canada including physicians and professors from four universities says there is now "considerable evidence and research that exposure to WiFi, Smart Meters and Cell towers can have an adverse impact," on human health. The doctors' submission is backed-up by more than...
Cell phone towers emit mass amounts of Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation also known as "microwave" radiation. If you have ever seen the huge size and quantity of power cables that run these towers you... View Post link to Is 5G Safe? – Let’s Take A Look! Is 5G Safe? – Let’s ...
The cell phones you use, computers, television sets, and Ipods are all sources of such harmful emissions. The Danger Involved FM radios, radars, and all the gadgets of telecommunication emit harmful electro magnetic waves which are highly dangerous. HT electricity lines, HT Towers, and Spying ...
taste or hear – sense with the five senses – can harm them so much. But if people did really know the facts regarding the dangers of cell phones and WiFi (wireless networks) and the masts (cell phone towers) that emit an ever-increasing and pervasive level of microwave radiation, would...
Impacts of radio-frequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) from cell phone towers and wireless devices on biosystem and ecosystem – a review Biol. Med., 4 (2012), pp. 202-216 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar [153] R.W. Geisel Insurers Exclude Risks Associated with Electromagnetic Radiation Busines...
The electromagnetic radiations released from the mobile towers and cell phones can enter into the body and hamper the precise functioning of the immune system. It results in the various brain related issues and hormonal imbalances that further damage the healthy skin cells. As a result, ...