Radial Basis Function Network (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/22173-radial-basis-function-network), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved January 21, 2025. MATLAB Release Compatibility Created with R2007a Compatible with any release Platform Compatibility Windows macOS Linux ...
【248】二阶非线性系统径向基函数神经网络(Radial Basis Function Neural Network,RBFNN)跟踪控制 02:59 【247】单摆模型仿真 00:34 【免费】这是之前我购买的一大堆代码,同学们,觉得有用吗?可以都送给你们!!!(链接在评论区置顶) 既然香遇 1.2万 1 【184】多智能体系统的队列稳定性:一种自适应最优控制...
Matlab关于径向基函数网络设计-Radial Basis Function Net.m 径向基函数网络设计 径向基函数网络比标准的前向型BP网络需要更多的神经元,但是它能够按时间片来训练网络。当有很多的训练向量时,这种网络很有效果 径向基函数网络由两层组成:第一层为隐含的径向基层,第二层为输出线性层 问题描述—设计一个径向基函数网络...
The bias vectorb1and the output of||dist||are combined with the MATLAB®operation .* , which does element-by-element multiplication. The output of the first layer for a feedforward networknetcan be obtained with the following code:
Comparative study of radial basis function neural network with estimation of eigenvalue in image using MATLAB. Paul A,Bhattacharya P. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing . 2014Paul A,Bhattacharya P.Comparative study of radial basis function neural network with estimation of eigenvalue in ...
The solution of complex mapping problems with artificial neural networks normally demands the use of a multi-layer network structure. This multi-layer topology process data into consecutive steps in each one of the layers. Radial Basis Functions networks
径向基函数(RBF Radial Basis Function)神经网络是由J.Moody和C.Darken在20世纪80年代末提出的一种神经网络,它是具有单隐层的三层前馈网络。由于它模拟了人脑中局部调整、相互覆盖接受域(或称感受野-Receptive Field)的神经网络结构,因此,RBF网络使一种局部逼近网络,已证明它能以任意精度逼近任意连续函数。
other Matlab files ('.m' extension): Matlab functions and scripts to run the programTo make the program run:run init run one of the Matlab scripts rbfn_standard / rbfn_regularization_AuthorMareva Brixy (marevabrixy@gmail.com)About Radial-Basis Function Network for handwritten number classification...
As an example, water resources development level is assessed in Xi'an by MATLAB radial basis function network method. The result shows that the method has the features of direct, credibility and good application. It has the functions of classifying and arrangement and it is a good assessment ...
Radial basis function (RBF) neural network control for mechanical systems:design, analysis and Matlab simulation = 机械系统RBF神经网络控制 : 设计、分析及Ma... The application of a radial basis function (RBF) neural network (NN) for fault diagnosis in an HVDC power system is presented in this...