径向基函数(RBF Radial Basis Function)神经网络是由J.Moody和C.Darken在20世纪80年代末提出的一种神经网络,它是具有单隐层的三层前馈网络。由于它模拟了人脑中局部调整、相互覆盖接受域(或称感受野-Receptive Field)的神经网络结构,因此,RBF网络使一种局部逼近网络,已证明它能以任意精度逼近任意连续函数。 %RBF神经...
【006】基于MATLAB的车牌字符识别 02:55 【007】事件触发机制下一阶线性多智能体系统平均一致性 01:49 【008】基于动态事件触发策略的二阶多智能体系统主动抗干扰控制 01:53 【009】多智能体系统 (Multi-Agent Systems, MASs)一致性编队 00:59 【010】多智能体系统的分群牵引控制 04:16 【011】非完整...
Matlab关于径向基函数网络设计-Radial Basis Function Net.m 径向基函数网络设计 径向基函数网络比标准的前向型BP网络需要更多的神经元,但是它能够按时间片来训练网络。当有很多的训练向量时,这种网络很有效果 径向基函数网络由两层组成:第一层为隐含的径向基层,第二层为输出线性层 问题描述—设计一个径向基函数网络...
Fig. 12.3 shows the ANN model just as implemented in MATLAB’s RBF Toolbox. The suggested ANN radial basis function model is implemented with unknown number of inputs and output layer values within the PID parameter limits of the power system. Here back propagation method is engaged to train...
Radial Basis Function Network (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/22173-radial-basis-function-network), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved March 4, 2025. MATLAB Release Compatibility Created with R2007a Compatible with any release Platform Compatibility Windows macOS Linux ...
RADIAL basis functionsMATLAB (Computer software)This article designs a PID sliding mode controller based on new Quasi-sliding mode (PID-SMC-NQ) and radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) for Omni-directional mobile robot. This is holonomic vehicles that can perform ...
MATLAB code for the parameterized level set method based topologyoptimizationusingradialbasisfunctions(RBFs),whichisappliedtominimizethecomplianceofatwo-dimensionallinearelasticstructure.Thisparameterizedlevelsetmethodusingradialbasisfunctionscanmaintainarelativelysmoothlevelsetfunctionwithan approximate re-initialization ...
Radial basis function (RBF) neural network control for mechanical systems:design, analysis and Matlab simulation = 机械系统RBF神经网络控制 : 设计、分析及Ma... - Radial basis function (RBF) neural network control for mechanical systems:design, analysis and Matlab simulation = 机械系统RBF神经网络控制...
radial basis functions can maintain a relatively smooth level set function with an approximate re-initialization scheme during the optimization process. It also has less dependency on initial designs due to its capability in nucleation of new holes inside the material domain. The MATLAB code and ...
Matlab7.5 软件的支持下建立了人 口老龄化预测 的 RBF神经网络模型 ,并以湖南为例进行实证研究。 1 RBF 神经网络模型的原理和方法 RBF神经 网络是人工神经网络众多模型 中较 新 的一种模型 。和多层前 向网络类似 ,RBF神经 网 络是一种三层前 向网络 ,包括输入层 、隐含层和输 出层(图 1)。其...