...提出一种布洛芬胺盐之合成方法,此方法步骤为,先提供布洛芬外消旋混合物(racemic ibuprofen)及三羟甲基胺基甲烷(tris(hydroxy…ncu.eipm.com.tw|基于1 个网页 2. 消旋布洛芬 左旋布洛芬,L... ... ) Dexibuprofen 右旋布洛芬 ) Racemic ibuprofen 消旋布洛芬 ) flurizan 左旋氟比洛芬 ... www.dictall.com...
1) Racemic ibuprofen 消旋布洛芬 2) Dexibuprofen 右旋布洛芬 1. Evaluation of the pharmacokinetics of dexibuprofen modified-release capsules in Beagle dog; 右旋布洛芬缓释胶囊在比格犬体内的药物动力学 2. Study on preparation and quality control of dexibuprofen cream; ...
PURPOSE: To clarify the polymorphism of racemic Ibuprofen and to determine the kinetic of the phase transformation that follows crystallisation of phase II. METHODS: Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), X-ray powder diffraction and Hot Stage Microscopy are complementarily used to perform a kinetic...
The crystal structure of ibuprofen, its optical absorption and photoluminescence, and the thermodynamic results (melting point and heat of fusion) are discussed. From these physicochemical properties, the authors conclude that dexibuprofen, which is the most active species pharmaceutically, and racemic ...
英文: An Immobilized Lipase with High Enantioselectivity in the Resolution of Racemic Ibuprofen中文: 一种选择性拆分布洛芬对映体的固定化脂肪酶 英文: Enzymatic Synthesis of Peptides Using N-Protected Racemic Amino Acides as Carboxyl Components中文: 以N-保护消旋氨基酸为羧基组分的酶促合成肽的研究 ...
英文: EXPOLORATION ON RACEMIC STRUCTURAL THEORY OF L-α-AMINO ACID中文: L-α氨基酸消旋化的结构理论探讨 英文: An Immobilized Lipase with High Enantioselectivity in the Resolution of Racemic Ibuprofen中文: 一种选择性拆分布洛芬对映体的固定化脂肪酶 ...
布洛芬缓释胶囊 布洛芬缓释胶囊 拼音名:Buluofen Huanshi Jiaonang 英文名:Ibuprofen Sustained Release Capsules 书页号:2000年版二部-122 本品含布洛芬(C13H18O2)应为标示量的93.0%~107.0 %。 【性状】 本品为硬胶囊,内容物为白色球形小丸。 【鉴别】 ...
A solid non-effervescent compressed dosage form comprising an ibuprofen medicament and a carrier material comprising a compressible filler component combined with a disintegrating component wherein the ibuprofen medicament is present to a an extent of 35 % or more by weight of the dosage form, ...
With a mobile phase of IPA/hexane/HAc/triethylamine (15/85/0.2/0.05, V/V, flow rate 0.4 mL/min), the resolution of ibuprofen enantiomers was sufficient for precise enantiomeric purity determination.Xie YuchunLiu HuizhouChen Jiayong谢渝春
英文: An Immobilized Lipase with High Enantioselectivity in the Resolution of Racemic Ibuprofen中文: 一种选择性拆分布洛芬对映体的固定化脂肪酶 英文: Enzymatic Synthesis of Peptides Using N-Protected Racemic Amino Acides as Carboxyl Components中文: 以N-保护消旋氨基酸为羧基组分的酶促合成肽的研究 ...