the NaV1.5 isoform, encoded by SCN5A, is predominantly expressed. NaV1.5 generates sodium currents in the cell membrane, thereby regulating cellular functions related to the invasive ability [38]. Overexpression of NaV1.5 allows continuous entry of...
Our analysis is based on a systematic search for randomized studies testing the efficacy and tolerability of racecadotril in the treatment of acute diarrhea in children (Fig.1). This yielded a total of 60 studies, but we have been unable to retrieve data for two of them despite intensive e...
Acccoorrddiingg to the new rules,, thee caatthh llaabb eennttiittyy would be considered to bbee ppeerrffoorrmmininggaaDDHHSSsseerrvvicicee..CCMMSS rreeffuussees to define the wwoorrdd ppeerffoorrmm,, ddeeffaaullttiinngg iinnsstead to the "common" meaning of peerrform ttoo ddeetter...