intrathecal injection of rAAV9-eGFP vector using specific neuronal promoter can efficiently and specifically target MNs from proximal to distal part of the spinal cord in adult mice, wherease, using rAAV9-eGFP ubiquitous promoter, we observe both glial cells and MNs targeting (figure a, b and...
Additionally, we confirmed that the TK/GCV system has a powerful cytotoxic effect on bladder tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. Thus, our data indicate that rAAV9-UPII-TK-EGFP is a precise gene drug delivery system for the treatment of bladder cancer, and the TK/GCV therapeutic strategy ...
Additionally, we confirmed that the TK/GCV system has a powerful cytotoxic effect on bladder tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. Thus, our data indicate that rAAV9-UPII-TK-EGFP is a precise gene drug delivery system for the treatment of bladder cancer, and the TK/GCV therapeutic strategy ...