terra R 包计算类和多边形区域统计数据。我可以使用以下代码计算多边形平均值: library(terra) #Read a raster file pathraster <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package = "terra") r <- rast(pathraster) plot(r) #Read a polygon file pathshp <- system.file("ex/lux.shp", package = "terra") ...
library(terra) library(sf)# Read the raster into a SpatRaster objectraster_i <- rast("XjIVG.png")# Chek the raster resolution# It by defaut shoud be 1x1res(raster_i)# Polygonyze the rasterpoly_i <-as.polygons(raster_i, aggregate=T)# Separate the polygons into individual featurespoly...
terra包写入nc文件的方式非常简单,在日常使用时非常方便,提供保存为tif和nc两种格式。 # writeRaster # 保存为tif文件 writeCDF(r[[1]], filename = 'data/r_terra_output_file.nc', overwrite = T) 栅格数据的数据类型转化 terra与R语言其它数据类型可以进行丝滑的转换。 转换为array数组: r[[1]] |> ...
terra::plot(volcano2) # And plot it ggtile + geom_spatraster(data = volcano2) + scale_fill_terrain_c(alpha = 0.75) An Easter egg Thevolcanodataset may not be completely up to date. As a compliment,tidyterraincludes a.tiffile with the same dimensions that ourvolcano2raster, but with ...
#> 6 POLYGON ((-81.34512 36.5729...Creating a SpatRaster from an ArcGIS ImageServerA SpatRaster object from the {terra} package can be extracted from an ImageServer using arc_raster().arc_raster() will extract the area defined by xmin, ymin, xmax, and ymax. You can optionally specify...
我可以使用 terra::predict() 来预测整个栅格堆栈中的发生情况,而不是创建测试数据集吗? library(terra) library(mgcv) library(sf) #polygons to generate random points within v <- vect(system.file("ex/lux.shp", package="terra")) |> st_as_sf() #get a raster from terra r <- rast(system...
是指将栅格数据转换为多边形数据的过程。栅格数据是由像素组成的二维网格,而多边形数据是由一系列连续的线段组成的封闭图形。 在R中,可以使用raster包来处理栅格数据,并使用rgeos包来进行空间几何...
Hi I am using terra 1.7-46 I am trying to rasterize a large point dataset (worldwide coverage) but when I run the function rasterize the R session aborts for a fatal error. I would like to have a raster with cell value equals to the numb...
ncdfgeomreads and writes vector data cubes from and to netcdf files in a standards-compliant way. rasterandterra Packagesrasterand its successor,terraare powerful packages for handling raster maps and stacks of raster maps both in memory and on disk, but do not address ...