本文简要介绍 python 语言中 arcgis.raster.analytics.convert_raster_to_feature 的用法。 用法: arcgis.raster.analytics.convert_raster_to_feature(input_raster, field='Value', output_type='Polygon', simplify=True, output_name=None, context=None, create_multipart_features=False, max_vertices_per_...
python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""@Time : 2023/11/3 14:37@Auth : RS迷途小书童@File :Convert Raster And Vector.py@IDE :PyCharm@Purpose:栅格数据、矢量数据互相转换"""importosfromosgeoimportgdal, osr, ogrdefRaster_To_Vector(input_raster, output_shp):""":param input_raster: 输入需要...
12 Python GIS Clip Raster to a Polygon Extent using gdalWarp_1080p 11:19 13 Python GIS Automate Raster Batch Processing_1080p 14:21 14 Python GIS Open and Display a Shapefile with Geopandas_1080p 05:58 15 Use Geopandas to Convert Projection or Coordinate Reference System_1080p 03:19...
# Convert to UTM utmx, utmy, _, _ = utm.from_latlon(lat, lon, force_zone_number=34) utm_coords.append([utmx, utmy]) # Remove false northing if lat< 0: utmy = utmy - 10000000 # Get pixel coordinates y,x = B4.index(utmx, utmy) pixel_coords.append([x,y]) print(B4.b...
2. 先将矢量文件转为栅格文件” polygonRaster - polygonraster” Spatial analysis工具条下的convert, Features to Raster 3. Spatial analysis工具条打开Raster Caclutaor,在计算框内输入: [Topo.sid] - [polygonRaster - polygonraster]。 Tips:这里采用的是两图层相剪操作,是因为polygonRaster – polygonrasterd...
template_params['rhs'] ='%s, %s'% (template_params['rhs'], lookup.band_rhs)# Convert rasters to polygons if necessary.ifnotself.rasterorspheroid:# Operators without raster support.iflhs_is_raster: template_params['lhs'] ='ST_Polygon(%s)'% template_params['lhs']ifrhs_is_raster: ...
layer_polygon.CreateField(new_field) gdal.FPolygonize(band_raster, None, layer_polygon, 0) # 核心函数,执行的就是栅格转矢量操作 polygon.SyncToDisk() polygon = None 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ...
out_raster = arcpy.sa.MajorityFilter("slum_2004_pred", "FOUR", "MAJORITY"); out_raster.save(r"C:\sample\sample.gdb\slum_2004_pred_maj") Raster to Polygon We will convert the processed classified raster produced in previous step to a polygon feature class layer using the 'Raster to Po...
dataset.GetRasterBand(i+1).WriteArray(im_data[i])deldataset# This function will convert the rasterized clipper shapefile# to a mask for use within GDAL.defimageToArray(i):""" Converts a Python Imaging Library array to a gdalnumeric image. ...
) remap = TextToRemap(TextRemap) pathOutReclass = os.path.join(geodata,"Reclass") OutReclass = Reclassify(pathOutExtract,"Value", remap) OutReclass.save(pathOutReclass) # Convertir en polygon disp("Vectorisating ...") arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(pathOutReclass, "PolyRaster") # clip...