# putting the y axis of the second plot to the right position = "right", # now the secondary axis becomes the left axis # we need the axis text+title for panel_D1 # They were excluded in panel_D1 bc they were messing with the positioning sec.axis = sec_axis(~., name = "shear...
处理方式为:使用 sec.axis = sec_axis(~., name = "shear stress (Pa)",breaks=rescale(c(-3,-2,-1,0), to = c(0,1)),labels = c(expression("10"^"-3","10"^"-2", "10"^"-1", "10"^"0"))) 手动添加坐标标签和数值。 两幅图的 x 轴不一致,使用 scale_x_log10() 修改结果...
sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . + 8 * 3600, name = "GMT+8", labels = scales::time_format("%b %d %I %p")))
ggplot2画图展示时,可用sec.axis直接添加标签。 核心函数: scale_x_date(expand=c(0,0))+#时间从原点(0,0)开始scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,3600),expand=c(0,0),sec.axis=dup_axis(breaks=stock_last_df$last,labels=stock_last_df$company,name=NULL))+guides(color="none") ...
#for the main y-axis labels = scales::label_number_si, breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n=7), #for the second y-axis sec.axis = sec_axis(~./100,#divided by transformation rate, in order to be represented based on the first y-axis ...
sec.axis = sec_axis(~./0.99, name = "percent(%)", breaks = seq(0,count_max,count_max/10), labels = label) ) 通过sec.axis添加次级y轴,次级y轴的刻度需要通过一级y轴的刻度调整而来,~./0.99就表示次级y轴的范围是用一级y轴除以0.99 然后,我们再来调整一下外观。 ggplot(data) + geom_bar...
sec.axis = sec_axis(trans = ~log(.), # 次轴为主轴的对数转换 name = 'Log_Speed' # 添加次轴名称 )) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 另外,处理日期型的x轴可以使用scale_x_data函数。 颜色、形状和线条类型的自定义设置 ...
# 创建第二个y轴plot<-plot+geom_line(aes(y=z),color="red")+scale_y_continuous(sec.axis=sec_axis(~./10,name="z轴")) 1. 2. 3. 4. 步骤5:绘制图形 现在,我们已经创建了第一个y轴和第二个y轴,并将它们添加到图形中。接下来,我们需要使用ggtitle函数来设置图形的标题,并使用xlab和ylab函数来...
sec.axis = waiver()) name 修改轴标题,使用函数labs()也能达到相同效果 library(gridExtra)p1 <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) geom_point() scale_x_continuous(name='AAA')p2 <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) geom_point() labs(x='BBB')grid.arrange(p1,p2,ncol=2) breaks 将数据进行指定...