p+easy_remove_x_axis() 当然easy_remove_y_axis()函数能去除y轴的数字标签。 2.3X轴上标签大小的改变 首先我们改变X轴标签的大小。 p+easy_x_axis_title_size(20) 我们再改变X轴上数字标签的大小。 p+easy_x_axis_title_size(20)+easy_x_axis_labels_size(20) 当然y轴我们也可以相应的改变。除此之...
绘图区网格线参数名字均以grid.*开头;坐标轴相关参数均以axis.*开头;图例相关(主要是colourbar)的参数均以legend.*开头;还有panel.backgroud、xlim、ylim均是常见的参数,panel.backgroud参数用来设置绘图区背景颜色,xlim、ylim则是设置x/y轴的范围。把这几大块参数去掉后,剩下的参数只有6个了,瞬间清爽了不少。 要...
# printing the graph print(graph) 输出 [1]"X coordinates" [1]12345678910 [1]"Y coordinates" [1]11121314151617181920 说明:x 和 y 轴标记和刻度线已通过将它们设置为 element_blank() 方法从图中删除。 注:本文由VeryToolz翻译自Remove Axis Labels and Ticks in ggplot2 Plot in R,非经特殊声明,文...
# R program to drawaxisto a plot x<-1:4;y=x*xplot(x,y,pch=18,col="darkgreen",type="b",frame=FALSE,xaxt="n") #Removexaxisaxis(1,1:4,LETTERS[1:4],col.axis="blue")axis(3,col="darkgreen",lty=2,lwd=4)axis(4,col="black",col.axis="blue",lwd=4) 输出: 这里绘制了不...
axis= dup_axis(name = NULL,labels = NULL))+ # 右侧显示坐标轴刻度而不显示坐标轴名称和标签 labs(x = "Sepal.Length", y = "Sepal.Width")+ border() # Marginal density plot of x (top panel) and y (right panel) xplot <- ggdensity(data, "Sepal.Length", fill = "Deposit", size=...
rm, remove:删除对象 q,quit:退出系统 .First,.Last:初始运行函数与退出运行函数。 options:系统选项 ?,help,help.start,apropos:帮助功能 data:列出数据集 head()查看数据的头几行 tail()查看数据的最后几行 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
使用coord_trans的话,就可以画出图。 参考 https://rpubs.com/huanfaChen/squash_remove_y_axix_ggplot https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61010786/error-nas-are-not-allowed-in-subscripted-assignments-while-using-squash-axis-i
Alt-text:An illustrated cartoon graph with “How much I think I know about R” on the y-axis, with axis labels at “I know nothing” and “I know lots”, versus “time” on the x-axis. The line varies widely between the two. Above the line are emoji-like faces, showing uncertaint...
p1 <- p1 + theme(legend.position="none") ##remove legend p1 <- p1 + theme(text = element_text(size=20),axis.text.x = element_text(hjust=1))p2 <- ggplot(mydata,aes(species,width))p2 <- p2 + geom_boxplot(aes(color = species),outlier.colour = "red",outlier.shape ...
real real real real remove your worr real store real time microcomput real time processor real time system real time-polymerase real virtuality real volume real women overcome o real-politik real-time cellular el real-time communicati real-time drilling real-time image proce real-time interpretat...