library(ggplot2) # 创建一个示例数据集 df <- data.frame( x = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), y = c(1, 2, 3, 4) ) # 绘制散点图 ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) + geom_point() + scale_x_discrete(labels = NULL) + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank()) 同样地,使用theme(axis.text...
aes(Var1, y=Var2, fill=value))+ geom_tile(color="white")+ scale_fill_gradient2(low = "blue", high = "red", mid = "white", midpoint = 0, limit=c(-1, 1), space = "Lab", name="Person\nCorrelation")+ theme_minimal()+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = ...
axis.text.y = element_text(face="bold", color="blue", size=7, angle=90)) remove aixs ticks and tick labels ggplot(mpg) + geom_point(aes(x = hwy, y = displ))+ theme( axis.text.x = element_blank(),# Remove x axis tick labelsaxis.text.y = element_blank(),# Remove y axis...
ggarrange(bxp, dp, bp+rremove("x.text"), labels = c("A","B","C"), ncol = 2, nrow = 2) cowplot::plot.grid() plot_grid(bxp, dp, bp+rremove("x.text"), labels = c("A","B","C"), ncol = 2, nrow = 2) gridExtra::grid.arrange() grid.arrange(bxp, dp, bp+rremove...
3. 如何调整XY轴范围(How to Adjust the X and Y Axis Limits) 3.1 方法1:通过删除范围之外的点 3.2 方法2:放大 4. 如何更改标题和轴标签(How to Change the Title and Axis Labels) ...
支持为每一个分面图增加坐标刻度,并支持移除或保留x轴或者y轴的标签: 代码语言:javascript 复制 p+facet_wrap2(vars(class),axes="all",remove_labels="x") plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4 支持更加强大的分面图形布局,还可以进行留白: 代码语言:javascript ...
xlab()和ylab()修改x 和 y 轴标签:ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy)) + geom_point(alpha = 1 / 3) ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy)) + geom_point(alpha = 1 / 3) + xlab("city driving (mpg)") + ylab("highway driving (mpg)") # Remove the axis labels with NULL ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, ...
文章目录 1 ggplot2入门笔记1—ggplot2简要教程1. 设置 The Setup2. 图层 The Layers3. 标签 The Labels4. 主题 The Theme5. 分面 The Facets6. 常用函数 Commonly Used Features6.1 绘制时间序列图
axis.text.x = element_blank, # Remove x axis tick labels axis.text.y = element_blank, # Remove y axis tick labels axis.ticks = element_blank) # Remove ticks 当然可以自定义坐标轴了 离散非连续坐标轴 scale_x_discrete(name, breaks, labels, limits) scale_y_discrete(name, breaks, labels,...