This site has been created to be a reference for learning how to create charts in R as well as a place to look for inspiration. If you are an R package developeryou can suggest me to add examples of your packages related to graphs and charts. You will get more visibility and more peo...
请查找定义和解释指导,了解随 R 控制图提供的每个统计量和图形。 标绘点 R 控制图上的标绘点表示子组极差。 解释 如果过程处于受控状态,点将围绕中心线随机变化,过程仅表现常见原因变异。可以调查位于控制限外部的点或者表现出非随机模式的点,查看是否存在可能...
在下表中,您可以轻松地按任务、一般主题和特定R包搜索所有教程。 可选类别:大数据、协作、数据可视化、数据分析、数据导出、数据导入、数据争吵、ggplot、GIS、微软、编程、RStudio和vscode. 一些例子: 一、ggplot和其他R数据可视化 你需要用R画静态图吗?交互式图形?动画吗?搜索下面的术语,如ggplot、dataviz和颜色。
Base SAS: Designed for data access, transformation, and reporting. SAS/STAT: Designed to perform statistical analysis. SAS/GRAPH: Data visualization tool to produce graphs. SAS/IML: Interactive Matrix Language. Includes functions for implementing algorithms. What is R programming compared to SAS? R...
The R graph gallery displays hundreds of charts made with R, always providing the reproducible code.
Create 3D pie charts: plotix::pie3D() Te functionpie3D()[inplotrixpackage] can be used to draw a 3D pie chart. Installplotrix package: install.packages("plotrix") Usepie3D(): # 3D pie chart library("plotrix") pie3D(df$value, labels = df$group, radius = 1.5, col = c("#999999...
(7) Modeling: Decision Trees,Random Forests, ADA Boost, Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression, andNeural Net. (8) Evaluation: Confusion Matrix,Risk Charts, Cost Curve, Hand, Lift, ROC, Precision, Sensitivity. (9) Charts: Box Plot, Histogram,Correlations, Dendrograms, Cumulative, Principle...
They can also produce visual representations of data, such as pie charts or graphs. They might even use R to help them manage their own personal finances or those of a small company. As expected, people with advanced knowledge of R can do all these things and many more besides. R’s...
One of the most valuable R packages is ggplot2, a graphics package for customizing data charts. And one of the best books to study this package isggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. This book assumes prior knowledge of R and maybe some understanding of ggplot2. But you don’t ne...
While qplot() is easy to use for simple graphs, it does not use the powerful grammar of graphics. The ggplot() function does that. To understand ggplot, you need to ask yourself, what are the fundamental parts of every data graph? They are: ...