This site has been created to be a reference for learning how to create charts in R as well as a place to look for inspiration. If you are an R package developeryou can suggest me to add examples of your packages related to graphs and charts. You will get more visibility and more peo...
三、xCharts xCharts is a D3-based library for building custom charts and graphs. Written and maintained by tenXer.调用函数:xPlot() 1. 折线图(Line Chart) # 使用melt()函数进行数据重塑 > library(reshape2) > uspexp <- melt(USPersonalExpenditure) > head(uspexp) Var1 Var2 value 1 Food...
We begin each chart type with afoundational tutorialthat outlines its core structure and purpose. Once you've grasped the basics, ourstep-by-step guidesoffer insights into elementary customizations. This ensures that your charts not only visualize data effectively but also resonate with your unique ...
Summary Tabular Data Charts and Graphs Wrapper and Utility Functions Standard Errors for Risk and Performance Estimators PerformanceAnalytics,强大的绩效指标计算包介绍:使用图/表函数来展示资产 使用图/表函数来展示单个资产 使用图/表函数来展示多个 资产收益的比较(或者与基准比较)资产风险度量 该包提供的示例数据...
Stripcharts and dot plots Density plots Histogram plots Empirical cumulative density function Quantile - Quantile plot library(ggpubr)set.seed(1234)wdata=data.frame(sex=factor(rep(c("F","M"),each=200)),weight=c(rnorm(200,55),rnorm(200,58)))#200个随机数,平均数是55head(wdata,4)# sex...
While qplot() is easy to use for simple graphs, it does not use the powerful grammar of graphics. The ggplot() function does that. To understand ggplot, you need to ask yourself, what are the fundamental parts of every data graph? They are: ...
Create 3D pie charts: plotix::pie3D() Te functionpie3D()[inplotrixpackage] can be used to draw a 3D pie chart. Installplotrix package: install.packages("plotrix") Usepie3D(): # 3D pie chart library("plotrix") pie3D(df$value, labels = df$group, radius = 1.5, col = c("#999999...
包括箱形图(Box plots)、小提琴图(Violin plots)、点图(Dot plots)、一维散点图(Stripcharts)、Sinaplot、条形图及折线图等多种形式及各种图形的相互组合。类型多样,灵活易用。算作是对之前博文很好的总结。另外,本文还实现了对分组变量组间比较自动添加P值(T检验或wilcoxon检验的P值)和显著性水平。 使用工具:...
9 Is there a way to make nice "flow maps" or "line area" graphs in R? 3 Visualize in R flow from one set of objects to another 4 R transition plot 0 Creating treechart from tabbed text in R 0 In R - How do you make transition charts with the Gmisc package? 1 An up-to...
Highcharter是R中Highcharts的改进,是一个JavaScript中的交互式可视化库。和它的前身一样,Highcharter配备了非常强大的API。 Highcharter使动态图表变得简单。通过使用hchart()这样一个函数,它可以绘制R中各种对象类的图,从数据框到树形图再到谱系图。它也为代码的编写者提供了可行的方法以完成其他流行的Highcharts图,如...