执行命令mtrace { -gw last-hop-router | -b | -d } -r receiver -g group [ -a source-ip-address | -l [ stat-times ] [ -st stat-int ] | -m max-ttl | [ -mr | -ur resp-dest ] | -q nqueries | -tr ttl | -ts ttl | -v | -w timeout ] * source source-address,检测...
local-user authentication lock times命令用来配置对本地账号连续认证失败次数的限制。 undo local-user authentication lock times命令用来取消对本地账号连续认证失败次数的配置,恢复为缺省设置。 缺省情况下,5分钟内认证失败5次,则不允许用户登录。 命令格式 ...
B_k(\theta) = D_1^T V_{11}^{-1} D_1+(D_1^{T}G-D_2^T)H^{-1} (G^{T}D_1 - D_2) 这个式子中第一项就是 B_l(\theta) ,第二项因为 H^{-1} 是一个正定矩阵(《回归分析》里有提过),而后面又正好是一个二次型,所以是非负的。这样的话就证明了Bh下界递增的结论。 这一...
InterlockedDecrement16Release function (Windows) D2D_RECT_L structure (Windows) IDeviceController interface (Windows) UI_COMMANDCATEGORY enumeration (Windows) IXAPO::QueryInterface method (Windows) roamControlType Simple Type (Windows) IBuffer::get_Flags Scale Element IInputPersonalizationDataSite::Reserved2 ...
Cohere's new Command-R-Plus model reportedly features a 128k context window. However, testing with progressively longer prompts reveals it begins producing nonsensical output (e.g., "<PAD><PAD>...") after 8192 tokens, aligning with the "...
计算结果是重加热温度 T_r\simeq5\times10^9~\mathrm{GeV} . 4.2 微扰衰变 重加热的第二种考虑方式是等效标量场 \phi 对应粒子的微扰衰变。首先按照第二节第二步的方法把理论的作用量从Jordan标架换到Einstein标架:S_M=\int \mathrm{d}^4x\sqrt{-\tilde g}f_{,\chi}^{-2}\tilde{\mathcal L}_...
比如被试内2水平A因素×被试内3水平B因素的被试内因素设计,三种「差之差」交互作用直接做三列未标准化效应量各自的单样本t检验。其中:(a1-a2)×(b1-b3)即研究 {{D}_{12\times 13,i}}=\left( {{Y}_{11,i}}-{{Y}_{21,i}} \right)-\left( {{Y}_{13,i}}-{{Y}_{23,i}} \right) 的...
下面我们列出各分布后缀,前面加前缀d、p、q或r就构成函数名:norm:正态,t:t分布,f:F分布,chisq:卡方(包括非中心) unif:均匀,exp:指数,weibull:威布尔,gamma:伽玛,beta:贝塔 lnorm:对数正态,logis:逻辑分布,cauchy:柯西, binom:二项分布,geom:几何分布,hyper:超几何,nbinom:负二项,pois:泊松 signrank:...
luther vandross - I'd rather luther vandross - dance with my father ne-yo - because of you babyface - loneliness dru hill - these are the times boyz II men - end of the road Elliott Yamin - Wait For You Ray J - One Wish Mario - Let Me Love You Lil Wayne Feat. ...