#' @param data Input matrix or data frame. #' The rows represent items while the columns represent features. #' @param Kmax The maximum number of clusters. #' The algorithm runs from \code{k = 2} to \code{k = kMax}. Default value is #' \code{10}. #' @return \item{x}{multi...
relocate(.data, ..., .before, .after) 例如,将数值列移到 name 列的后面: df %>% relocate(where(is.numeric), .after = name)5. 重命名列 set_names() 为所有列设置新列名: df %>% set_names(" 班级", " 姓名", " 性别", " 语文", " 数学", " 英语", " 品德", " 科学")rename...
通过指令data()可以列出基本系统提供的全部数据集(包括datasets以及通过!ibrary()加载的程序包中的数据集)。也可以载入特定的数据集: > data()#查看数据集列表 > data(CO2)#载入C02数据集(来自datasets) > library(MASS)#载入package MASS。 > data(package="MASS")#查看MASS中数据集 ...
一、错误描述Error in value[[3L]](cond) : Package ‘ggtree’ version 3.6.2 cannot be unloaded: Error in unloadNamespace(package) : 名字空间‘ggtree’是由‘ggtreeExtra’引进的,因此无法将之卸下 二、错…
#install from githubdevtools::install_github('selesnow/rgoogleads') Attach rgoogleads library(rgoogleads) Main goal and capabilities of rgoogleads rgoogleadsis R client for work with Google Ads API v8. Main goal ofrgoogleads- load report data from Google Ads client account into R for anal...
Erroringet(name,envir=asNamespace(pkg),inherits=FALSE):object'get_fun_from_pkg'not foundError:unable to loadRcodeinpackage‘clusterProfiler’ Execution haltedERROR:lazy loading failedforpackage‘clusterProfiler’*removing ‘/home/data/xiaowang/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.0/clusterProfiler’ ...
realize sth sth come realized base64 encod realized load curve realizedfulfilled realizethevalue really bad satyr really clean and heal really cold really dont have eye really fattening thin really good helplessn really have no idea really hope u remembe really meant business really miss really ne...
ready-mix truck ready-package ready-readcard ready-to-receivesigna ready-to-run ready-tseam allowance ready-wittedresourcef ready berth readyberthclause ready cash readychain readycoating ready condition ready delivery readydisposition ready flag ready for commercial readyfordata ready for de atch adv...
For importing data in R from XML files, we need to install the XML package, which can be done as follows: install.packages("XML") To read XML files, we use the in-built function xmlParse(). For example: #To load required xml package to read XML files library("XML") #To ...
Install the new package from the RevoScaleR archive. In Microsoft, run the command: R CMD INSTALL --no-test-load <path/to/dir>/RevoScaleR_8.0.X.zip In Linux, run the command: sudo R CMD INSTALL --no-test-load <path/to/...