Example: Load Multiple Packages at Once in RIf we want to load multiple packages at once to R, we can use a combination of the lapply() and require() functions:lapply(my_packages, require, character.only = TRUE) # Load multiple packages...
# If you wanna use pacman,please read:#<https://www.jianshu.com/p/cb16ded75672># Basically,# #1,you can use'p_load'to load multiplepackageintoR# likep_load(data.table,dplyr)# #2,you can use'p_get'just to installpackage# #3,you can use'p_update'to update all packages #---...
# from url resourceinstall.packages("https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/CRAN/bin/windows/contrib/3.5/Matrix_1.2-15.zip",repos=NULL)# from localinstall.packages("~/../Desktop/Matrix_1.2-15.zip",repos=NULL) 一次安装多个包 # multiple installinstall.packages(c("slidify","tidyverse","devtools...
要在R中进行多重插补(Multiple Imputation),一个常用的包是mice(Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations)。以下是一个使用mice包进行五次多重插补,并取平均值生成一个完整数据集的示例代码。 首先,你需要安装和加载mice包。如果还没有安装,你可以先安装它: r install.packages("mice") 然后加载mice包: r...
load_*(): Load multiple files from a directory into an environment All functions default to importing files from the working directory and into the global environment. #The working directory contains .csv filesdir()#> [1] "_pkgdown.yml" "codecov.yml" "cran-comments.md" "csv1.csv"#> [...
LIGER (installed asrliger) is a package for integrating and analyzing multiple single-cell datasets, developed by the Macosko lab and maintained/extended by the Welch lab. It relies on integrative non-negative matrix factorization to identify shared and dataset-specific factors. ...
real green real gross national p real images real integrity real loadreal load real loving boy real madrid basketbal real mountain real wa real name ticket book real needs real photo technology real property operati real quiet real rain real realism real right for securi real sequence real server...
(s) from external script: Failed to load library /opt/mssql-extensibility/lib/sqlsatellite.so with error libc++abi.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. SqlSatelliteCall error: Failed to load library /opt/mssql-extensibility/lib/sqlsatellite.so with error libc++...
(import=NULL).packages:bydefault,all attached packages are attachedinthe job.Controlthisusing job::job({},packages=c("brms"))orsetpackages=NULLto load nothing.If brms is not loadedinyour current session,addinglibrary("brms")to the job code may be more readable.options:bydefault,all options...
// 在R中每次使用相应的包,需要输入library(packages name)来调用 R代码块 install.packages("wooldridge") #install `wooldridge` package data(package = "wooldridge") #list datasets in `wooldridge` package load(wage1) #load `wage1` dataset into session ...