This is the main function to install packages. It takes a vector of names and a destination library, downloads the packages from the repositories and installs them. (If the library is omitted it defaults to the first directory in.libPaths(), with a message if there is more than one.) I...
This is the main function to install packages. It takes a vector of names and a destination library, downloads the packages from the repositories and installs them. (If the library is omitted it defaults to the first directory in.libPaths(), with a message if there is more than one.) I...
install.packages("BiocManager", repos = site) current_packages = rownames(installed.packages()) needed_packages = c("maftools", "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38", "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19") for (i in needed_packages) { if (!i %in% current_packages) BiocManager::install(i, update = F, ...
‘/tmp/Rtmpv5fKwR/downloaded_packages’ Updating HTML index of packages in '.Library' Making 'packages.html' ... done Warning message: In install.packages("rlang") : installation of package ‘rlang’ had non-zero exit status 上面报错的关键句是这句 Error in if (nzchar(SHLIB_LIBADD)) SH...
install.packages("src/pack/", lib = ".", repos = NULL, verbose = TRUE)library(dummies, lib.loc=".", verbose=TRUE) This will successful install the dummies R package.Please note if you are getting the below error while running you R script, please do zip of you zip, as...
Does not depend on other R packages. Does not contain compiled code, so no compiler is needed. Does not need any external software (for most of the functionality at least). Installation Install the released version of remotes from CRAN: ...
folders (see instructionshere). Alternatively, trychecking if that package is still neededfor your project and you want to cite it; otherwise remove or comment that line where the package is loaded. If you still use and want to cite that package, install it, and then runcite_packagesagain....
R.exe -e "install.packages('odbc', repos='odbc')" R.exe CMD INSTALL Add an R package on SQL Server In the following example, you'll add thegluepackage to SQL Server. Add the package online If the client computer you use to connect to SQL Server has Internet...
If a user needs to install new R packages or use R packages that were installed by other users, you might need to enable package management on the instance and then assign additional permissions. What folders are subject to locking by antivirus software?
RUNR -e"install.packages('<package-to-install>', dependencies = TRUE, repos = '')" 其他建议 可能需要考虑的其他一些建议: 使用R 的tryCatch函数进行异常和错误处理 添加显式日志记录进行故障排除和调试 后续步骤