Example 1: Getting Path of Directory where R Packages are StoredIn this example, I’ll explain how to identify the directory path where your R packages are installed.For this, we can use the libPaths function as shown below:.libPaths() # Get path using .libPaths function "C:/Program ...
Running install.packages() within the script is much easier than collecting package binaries and zipping them up. I was able to get it running I just needed to add in "options(repos = c(CRAN = "https://cran.rstudio.com"))" so install.packages() new where to look for packag...
# # Find the packages installed on a SQL Server compute context # sqlServerCompute <- RxInSqlServer(connectionString = "Driver=SQL Server;Server=myServer;Database=TestDB;Trusted_Connection=True;") sqlPackages <- rxInstalledPackages(computeContext = sqlServerCompute) sqlPackages ## End(Not run)...
The downloaded binary packages are in C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpgVgzGA\downloaded_packages > library(fastICA) > R语言使用.libPaths函数查看所有本地包的安装路径(library location)、使用library函数查看所有已经安装的包的列表(all packages installed) > .libPaths() [1] "D:/R/R...
As mentioned in the notes of `installed.packages()` help page, this can be very slow. Therefore do not use `installed.packages()`. Contributor jasdumas Oct 2, 2024 Would it be helpful to link to this help page? https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/utils/html/installed....
> install.packages("stringr") Installing package into ‘C:/Users/leews/Documents/R/win-library/3.2’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) Error: package ‘stringr’ is in use and will not be installed what I have to do?? 如何解决 detach("package:stringr", unload = TRUE) ...
问题再现 安装包的时候出现了这个warning: Rtoolsisrequiredto buildRpackages butisnot currently installed 解决 打开这个链接:https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/ 选择合适自己的R的版本的tools,下载,此处下载那个绿色的。 点击下一步安装即可。
可以重启R程序,或者在右下角的packages列表里勾选掉. 但是你应该是运行install.packages出现的报错吧.
The R extension currently uses some R packages unconditionally. Perhaps that won't be true forever, i.e. we'll have a system for opting out (or in). It feels like we need an official way of saying: "hey, you need to install/update package X before I can fulfill your request; would...
I have the same error. although I have updated my R version to R-3.5.1 and in Options menue the Detected R home directorirs is allighned with R version, still get this error mesege: (Note: All packages are installed as well). ...