R语言包的安装方法有很多,对于生信分析而言目前笔者亲测两种方法最有效。 以下以'impute'包为例进行演示,其他包方法类似(特殊的包除外) 一、常规方法 首先尝试 install.packages('impute') 结果是安装结束后运行这个包依然显示:该包不存在 二、生信安装方法! #install.packages('BiocManager') ##如果预先没有装过...
1、install.packages 2、BiocManager::install 3、devtools::install_github 4、 remotes::install_github 5、MetaboAnalystR 参考 一、安装R包的几种方法 1、直接安装 (1)对于一般的R包 install.packages("package name") (2)对于Bioconductor的包(使用BiocManager安装) if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quiet...
Warning message: package ‘VennDiagram’ is not available (for R version 3.6.1) 原来install.packages这个函数是有选项的:参考官方文档(??install.packages),注意repos选项。 Usage install.packages(pkgs, lib, repos = getOption("repos"), contriburl = contrib.url(repos, type), method, available = N...
When installing a binary package,install.packageswill abort the install if it detects that the package is already installed and is currently in use. In some circumstances (e.g. multiple instances ofRrunning at the same time and sharing a library) it will not detect a problem, but the instal...
一、CRAN安装R包:install.packages()函数 1、单个包的安装:install.packages("ggplot2") 第一种 >install.packages("ggplot2")WARNING:Rtools is required to build R packages but is not currently installed. Please download and install the appropriate version of Rtools before proceeding:https://cran.r...
> install.packages("oncoPredict") Warningininstall.packages : package 'oncoPredict’ is not available (forR version 4.0.2) 确实是失败了,然后去 官网查看:https://cran./web/packages/oncoPredict/index.html ,果然是其DESCRIPTION 文件里面的R版本依赖 Depends:R (≥ 4.1.0) ,如下所示: ...
在利用R进行爬虫,时安装“rvest”包,时出现了错误,出现的错误提示如下:Warningininstall.packages: package ‘rvest’ is not available (forR version 3.5.3) Errorininstall.packages: error reading from bioconductor下R包的安装 这种方法不能用了 首先安装BiocManager if (!requireNamespace(“BiocManager”, qu...
Condensing Gas Package Unit Configured to Drain Condensate Through Inducer Fan and Method of Reducing Fuel Consumption Various methods include instructing an installer of the units regarding how to install the units and dispose of condensate into the ground or through a drain line into the building....
>install.packages("oncoPredict")Warningininstall.packages:package‘oncoPredict’ is notavailable(forRversion4.0.2) 确实是失败了,然后去 官网查看:https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/oncoPredict/index.html ,果然是其DESCRIPTION 文件里面的R版本依赖 Depends: R (≥ 4.1.0) ,如下所示: ...
Ininstall.packages("sf") : installation of package ‘sf’ had non-zero exit status sf 是R中非常重要的包,很多画图包都依赖与sf, 然而安装sf确实是个极大的挑战,经常出现各种错误。但是如上所示的错误是最难解决的,经过多番探索终于解决了。如上面错误所示,报Proj包错误,然而,我用conda安装的时候GDAL,GEOS...