first3<-function(x,n){ if(n==1){ return(x) }else{ return(x*first3(x,n-1)) } } first3(5,3) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 自定义函数,计算斐波那契数列的第n项,并进行调用,输出数列的第5项和前5项。 fib<-function(n){ if(n==1||n==2) return(1) else return(fib(n-1)...
1 Histogram using plotnine A histogram is the most commonly used graph to show frequency distributions. It lets us discover and show the underlying frequency distribution of a set of numerical data. To construct a histogram from numerical data, we first need to split the data into intervals, ca...
Boxplot Definition:Aboxplot(or box-and-whisker plot) displays the distribution of a numerical variable based on five summary statistics: minimum non-outlier; first quartile; median; third quartile; and maximum non-outlier. Furthermore, boxplots show the positioning of outliers and whether the dat...
#在控制台窗口(Console)中按⬆、⬇可查看跑过的命令,Enter可重跑,右上角扫把清除 #Fn+F1为help, 输入"help(XXX)"或"?XXX", ‘help(package="packageName")’,也可以在右下角的help窗口中直接搜索R包或函数的help,Fn+F2可以显示出函数的语句规范。 #Ctrl+Tab从一个脚本切换到下一个脚本。 age <- ...
First of all categorise age into four classes based on #quartiles: quantile(dat$age, probs = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75)) hist(dat$age) #Quartiles for age are 56, 63 and 69. Create a categorical variable based on age: <- rep(0, length(dat[,4]))[dat$age < 56] <...
This graph represents the minimum, maximum, median, first quartile and third quartile in the data set. It is also useful in comparing the distribution of data across data sets by drawing boxplots for each of them.Boxplots are created in R by using the boxplot() function....
integrate – Integrate a user-defined function. IQR – Compute the Interquartile Range. is.double – Test whether a data object has the double class. – Return a logical vector or matrix indicating which elements are missing. – Test whether a data object has the class name...
IQR(Interquartile Range):四分位距IQR=75分位数-25分位数 方差(Variance):用于计算每个变量(观察值)与总体均值之间的差异 标准误(Standard Error,SE):样本均数的标准差,反映样本数据的离散趋势 峰度(Kurtosis):反映数据分布的平坦度,通常用于判断数据正态性情况 偏度(skewness):反映数据分布偏斜方向和程度,通常用于...
The first function, myVar, is a “from the definition” implementation of a variance function. The second, regressYOnX, calculates the coefficients a and b of the regression of y on x and returns them as a vector. Both of these functions have errors in them, and we will use the visual...
...韦恩图 数据 ###first generate the test data #a function to generate gene names generateGeneName <- function 1.7K21 R语言中绘制箱形图的替代品:蜂群图和小提琴图 p=11073 箱形图 非常有用,因为它们不仅指示中间值,而且还显示了第一四分位数和第三四分位数的测量结果变化。但是,也有一些图提供...