把数据按从小到大的顺序依次排列,位于次序上1/4处的数名1ST QUARTILE,至于3RD QUARTILE 可类推。至于具体问题,建议题主看看贴吧,里面有超于篇幅的简述。
**Specified as PIH or PE and/or FGR, PTB and SGA; diagnoses may be overlapping.† Expressed as median [interquartile range, p25-p75]. BMI = body-mass index; FGR = fetal growth restriction; ICSI = intracytoplasmic sperm injection; IVF = in vitro fertilization; PE = preeclampsia; PIH ...
Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD) or median (interquartile range) for non-normally distributed data. Non-normally distributed data were log-transformed for correlation. For calculation of sFlt-1/PlGF ratio, sFlt-1 levels were first converted to pg/mL and then expressed...
differences between concentrations in first samples and subsequent samples were <twofold for 85/97 subjects. In quartiles of subject data, no concentration-dependent relationships were observed for efficacy or safety[348]. In a methodologically different analysis of the same dataset, no significant rela...
1d). These data show a significant association of highly fibrotic, high lysyl oxidase family expressing tumors with poor survival (top quartile versus bottom quartile; HR 2.65 (1.659–4.29), P < 0.001) (Fig. 1d). In this group (q4) the median survival was 354 d compared to 1,...
The straight line velocity (VSL) did not have a normal distribution (P < 0.01) and ranged between 0 and 35 microm/s. The fertilization rate (84%) was significantly (P < 0.008) higher in the quartile of the sperm population with the...DOI: 10.1093/humrep/12.Suppl_2.312-a ...
Data are processed excluding missing values and are presented as number (%), mean ± standard deviation or median {inter-quartile range}. *Including emergency caesarean, forceps and vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery. Variables Selective head cooling Whole body cooling Body temperature at ...
During this step, several alternative parameterizations were used for quantitative variables, including linear effect; step effect based on median or first / third quartile; step effect based on clinically meaningful values; linear effect on multiples of median (MoM). The metabolic syndrome was ...
Our results on age at first intercourse are comparable with data obtained in other studies: Crochard et al. reported results from seven European countries where the majority of young women experienced sexual debut between 15 and 18 years (1st to 3rd quartile); less than 5% of girls in this ...
(n = 18). Two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used to determinepvalue; n.s. not significant. For all boxplots in this figure, whiskers show 95% confidence intervals, boxes represent the first and third quartiles, and the vertical midline is the median.bLevel of histone ...