# 4:这里是关键步骤,对导入r语言的数据(md1)进行挑选,这里是选择了量表的5个维度得分(y1:y5),然后用 single_imputation()函数进行处理,再用estimate_profiles函数估计剖面,参数1:6表示分别建立包含1~6个剖面的模型,共6个,然后择优。models是数据的类型,共6个,通常设置为1,2或3,这些参数可以手动调节,通过不...
cluster <- estimate_profiles(data_select,1:6,2) 1. 2. Figure 1: 5. 聚类结果可视化,参考Figure 2。其中,从rawdata到最后,都是对出图的格式调整。具体来讲,rawdata = F指结果图中不包含原始数据;sd = F指不包含误差线;ci = F指不包含置信区间;add_line指加上连线;后面使用“+”连接的是对横纵...
library(vivo) profiles <- model_profile(wf_explain) measure <- global_variable_importance(profiles) plot(measure)
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91 14 2 7 months ago ncov-cfr/908 R code and documentation to estimate case fatality ratio of COVID-19 from cases outside China 91 21 8 3 months ago forecastML/909 An R package with Python support for multi-step-ahead forecasting with machine learning and deep learning algorithms 91 33...
estimate <- nmf(mut_mat, rank=2:5, method="brunet", nrun=10, seed=123456) plot(estimate) 使用extract _ signatures从具有ExtractSignals的突变计数矩阵中提取2个突变特征 #rank值指定特征数量#对于较大的数据集,通过更改nrun参数以实现稳定性和避免局部极小值来执行更多的迭代是明智的nmf_res<-extract_...
If the bitrate is not supplied, nginx-vod-module will estimate it based on the last clip in the sequence. avg_bitrate - an object that can be used to set the average bitrate for the different media types, in bits per second. See bitrate above for a sample object. If specified, the ...
91 14 2 7 months ago ncov-cfr/908 R code and documentation to estimate case fatality ratio of COVID-19 from cases outside China 91 21 8 3 months ago forecastML/909 An R package with Python support for multi-step-ahead forecasting with machine learning and deep learning algorithms 91 33...
(variance modeling at the observational level)is to estimate the mean-variance relationship robustly and non-parametrically from the data.Voom workswithlog-counts that are normalizedforsequence depth,inparticularwithlog-counts permillion(log-cpm).The mean-variance is fitted to the gene-wise standard ...
For deployment platforms with an x86-based CPU and discrete GPUs, thetao-converteris distributed within the TAO docker. Therefore, we suggest using the docker to generate the engine. However, this requires that the user adhere to the same minor version of TensorRT as distributed with the docker...