tapply() computes a measure (mean, median, min, max, etc..) or a function for each factor variable in a vector. It is a very useful function that lets you create a subset of a vector and then apply some functions to each of the subset.tapply 和上面的三个就有点不同了,tapply可以将...
R里面有下面6种atomic data type 不要吐槽我的(不)翻译, 我跟你讲python那么好用, 要不是R有这么多教程和包我真根本不想碰它的, 所以我不想也没空去深究这些概念, atomic... 什么鬼 numeric, 比如100, 5, 4 character, 比如'hello' logical, TRUE or FALSE raw, 字节码, 两个十六进制数一组 ...
The subset command in base R (subset in R) is extremely useful and can be used to filter information using multiple conditions. For example, perhaps we would like to look at only observations taken with a late time value. This allows us to ignore the early “noise” in the data and foc...
# Subset the World data layer wld.mil <- World %>% filter( iso_a3 == "CAN" | iso_a3 == "USA") %>% st_transform(miller) # Create polygon and point layers in the Miller projection sf1 <- st_sfc( st_polygon(list(cbind(c(-13340256,-13340256,-6661069, -6661069, -13340256), c...
In Example 2, I’ll illustrate how to subset the rows of amatrixbased on the row names of this matrix. Again, we have to create some example data first: mat<-matrix(1:15, nrow=5)# Create example matrixrownames(mat)<-paste0("m",1:5)# Change row names of example matrixmat# Prin...
To get the subset of the data frame by rows & columns in R, you can use the basic R subset() function, square bracket notation df[], or filter() from
For more information, see this article: How to transform and subset data in Microsoft R However, a couple of points worth noting regarding rxDataStep: In other data sources, you can use the arguments varsToKeep and varsToDrop, but these are not supported for SQL Server data sources. ...
Stata:save "mydata.dta", replace R:save.image("mydata.Rdata") 7、根据变量X进行排序 Stata:sort x y R:mydata[order(mydata$x, mydata$y),] 8、相关分析 Stata:cor x y R:cor(x,y) 9、帮助命令 Stata:help command R:help(command) ...
#To print number of rows print(nrow(read.data)) Output: [1] 8 #To print the range of salary packages range.sal <- range(read.data$empsalary) print(range.sal) Output: [1] 20000 36000 #To print the details of a person with the highest salary, we use the subset() function to...
mydata.clear2 <- subset(mydata.clear1,select = -poutcome) # 直接把poutcome列删掉 1. 对于education,我们直接对空值的部分赋值为最高学历:大学学历 > count <- names(which.min(table(mydata.clear2$education))) # 找到最高学历 > mydata.clear2$education <- ifelse(mydata.clear2$education !=...