tapply() computes a measure (mean, median, min, max, etc..) or a function for each factor variable in a vector. It is a very useful function that lets you create a subset of a vector and then apply some functions to each of the subset.tapply 和上面的三个就有点不同了,tapply可以将...
subset() function to create a subset of the data frame where the miles per gallon ( mpg) is greater than 20 and the number of cylinders ( cyl) is equal to 4. Finally, we print the resulting subset. Using dplyr’s filter() Function dplyr is a powerful package for data manipulation, ...
{ # 筛选出对应年份的月份栅格数据 year_raster <- subset(raster_data, grepl(paste(year, "-", sep=""), names(raster_data))) # 对这一年的栅格数据进行求和 year_mean <- app(year_raster, fun=mean) # 将结果保存至输出文件夹中 writeRaster(year_mean, filename = paste0(output_folder, "/...
data$Z <- runif(400, 0, 5) # Levelplot with ggplot2 library(ggplot2) ggplot(data, aes(X, Y, z= Z)) + geom_tile(aes(fill = Z)) +theme_bw() # To change the color of the gradation : ggplot(data, aes(X, Y, z= Z)) + geom_tile(aes(fill = Z)) + theme_bw() +scale...
To get the subset of the data frame by rows & columns in R, you can use the basic R subset() function, square bracket notation df[], or filter() from
rdf_clean <- cbind(rdf_clean, model.matrix(~Geography+Gender-1, data=rdf_clean)) rdf_clean <- subset(rdf_clean, select = - c(Geography, Gender)) 创建增量表以生成 Power BI 报表 R 复制 table_name <- "rdf_clean" # Create a Spark DataFrame from an R DataFrame sparkDF <- as.Da...
Stata:save "mydata.dta", replace R:save.image("mydata.Rdata") 7、根据变量X进行排序 Stata:sort x y R:mydata[order(mydata$x, mydata$y),] 8、相关分析 Stata:cor x y R:cor(x,y) 9、帮助命令 Stata:help command R:help(command) ...
How To Create an R Data Frame How To Sort an R Data Frame How to Add and Remove Columns Renaming Columns How To Add and Remove Rows How to Merge Two Data Frames Selecting A Subset of a R Data Frame So let us suppose we only want to look at a subset of the data, perhaps only ...
#To print the range of salary packages range.sal <- range(read.data$empsalary) print(range.sal) Output: [1] 20000 36000 #To print the details of a person with the highest salary, we use the subset() function to extract variables and observations max.sal <- subset(read.data, empsalary...
原文地址:https://hbctraining.github.io/Intro-to-R/lessons/05_introR-data-wrangling2.html 大神的中文整理版:https://www.jianshu.com/p/14eda97fce0d 本文是我拷贝的原文,加了自己的笔记和练习题答案。 Learning Objectives Demonstrate how to subset, merge, and create new datasets from existing data...