或者提取在2012年revenue超过6万、profit超过4万的公司 com3 <- subset(companiesData, fy=="2012"&revenue>60000&profit>40000) com3 ## fy company revenue profit ## 3 2012 Apple 156508 41733 条件选择也可以使用或,比如我们想要提取profit超过2万或者revenue低于5万的公司 com4 <- subset(companiesData, ...
How to Subset Data in R – Multiple Conditions The subset command in base R (subset in R) is extremely useful and can be used to filter information using multiple conditions. For example, perhaps we would like to look at only observations taken with a late time value. This allows us to ...
按照某列的值拆分data.frame My data is like this (for example): ID Rate State 1 24 AL 2 35 MN 3 46 FL 4 34 AL 5 78 MN 6 99 FL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I want to split the data by state and I want to get 3 data sets like below: data set 1 ID Rate State 1 24 ...
Introduction In data analysis with R, subsetting data frames based on multiple conditions is a common task. It allows us to extract specific subsets of data that meet certain criteria. In this blog post, we will explore how to subset a data fram...
数据分析过程中我们常常需要从数据集中抽取部分数据,本文将介绍如何提取子数据集,主要利用R自带的函数,以后会专门介绍data manipulation包dplyr。 提取子数据集主要分为select以及exclude,这里主要介绍两种方法,一是利用操作符[]进行选取,而是利用subset() 进行抽取。
R语言:data.table语句批量生成变量 作者:村长,数据科学、指弹吉他及录音工程爱好者,浙大金融学博士在读,在data.table包和MongoDB的使用上有较多经验。 写 在前面 本期依然由村长为大家供稿,只为填上一期最后挖的坑,话不多说进入正题。 问 题提出 在上一期中,还记得我们留下的那个彩蛋吗?我们在对多列标准进行...
How to subset an R data frame based on string values of a columns with OR condition - We might want to create a subset of an R data frame using one or more values of a particular column. For example, suppose we have a data frame df that contain columns C
原文地址:https://hbctraining.github.io/Intro-to-R/lessons/05_introR-data-wrangling2.html 大神的中文整理版:https://www.jianshu.com/p/14eda97fce0d 本文是我拷贝的原文,加了自己的笔记和练习题答案。 Learning Objectives Demonstrate how to subset, merge, and create new datasets from existing data...
# 创建一个包含学生信息的数据集students<-data.frame(name=c("Alice","Bob","Charlie","David","Eve"),age=c(18,22,20,25,19),score=c(90,75,85,95,70)) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 接下来,我们可以使用subset函数来提取符合条件的学生信息。通过指定条件表达式,我们可以筛选出年龄大于20岁且成绩在...
Introduction If you’re an aspiring data scientist or R programmer, you must be familiar with the powerful data structure called “lists.” Lists in R are collections of elements that can contain various data types such as vectors, matrices, data f...