R语言因子factor数据类型:使用factor函数将字符串向量转化为因子向量、使用ordered函数将字符串向量转化为有序的因子向量(ordinal categorical variable) R语言数据类型(data types) R语言因子(factor)数据类型、factor函数将字符串向量因子化(标称变量)、使用ordered函数基于levels参数对因子变量进行自定义排序称为序数因子...
library(reshape2) # 加载包mytest <- melt(test, # 变量来源的数据集 id.vars = c(1:4), # 1-4列为保持不变的变量 measure.vars = c("testA","testB"), # 需要转换的变量 variable.name = "group", # 转换后的变量列名 value.name = "value") # 转换后的列的值mytest # 查看转换效果12.2...
This example shows how to replicate the “Error in `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.character(levels)) : factor level is duplicated”. Suppose that we want to create a new factor variable with manually specifiedfactor levels. Then, we might try to apply the factor function and the levels...
tab numdep, gen(numdep) // create dummy variables for `numdep` recode exper (1/20 = 1 "1 to 20 years") (21/40 = 2 "21 to 40 years") (41/max = 3 "41+ years"),gen(experlvl) // recode `exper` and gen new variable R代码块 wage1$exper2 <- wage1$exper^2 #create `ex...
> # Assign to the variable theory what this chapter is about! > theory <- "factors for categorical variables" > theory [1] "factors for categorical variables" 第2程序: What's a factor and why would you use it? (2) 100xp To create factors in R, you make use of the functionfactor...
这个时候,除了将这些变量删除,我们只能手动将factor variable转换为取值(0,1)的虚拟变量。所用的函数一般有model.matrix(),nnet package中的class.ind()。 2.1 示例数据 下面以UCI的german credit data为例说明。 #从UCI网站上下载到german.data数据集
STDOUT message(s) from external script: 'data.frame': 3 obs. of 1 variable: $ mytextvariable: Factor w/ 3 levels " ","hello","world": 2 1 3 结果- 示例 2输出 复制 STDOUT message(s) from external script: 'data.frame': 1 obs. of 3 variables: $ c..hello..: Factor w/ 1 ...
STDOUT message(s) from external script: 'data.frame': 3 obs. of 1 variable: $ mytextvariable: Factor w/ 3 levels " ","hello","world": 2 1 3 結果- 範例 2 輸出 STDOUT message(s) from external script: 'data.frame': 1 obs. of 3 variables: $ c..hello..: Factor w/ 1 lev...
(y_pred == as.vector(y_test)) cr_lgbm_sm <- caret::confusionMatrix(as.factor(y_pred), as.factor(as.vector(y_test))) cm_lgbm_sm <- table(y_pred, as.vector(y_test)) roc_auc_lgbm_sm <- pROC::auc(pROC::roc(as.vector(y_test), y_pred)) print(paste0("The auc is ", ...
real exchange rate real exchange rate mi realexponent real factor returns realfield real financial value real financing cost real fiscal expenditu real flux real fold real format item realfrequencyaxis realfrequencycharacte realgarredorpiment realgas real gas deviation fa real gas effect realgaslaw rea...