新建工程编译提示R cannot be resolved to a variable 图1 然后打开SDK Manager管理器,下载并安装Android SDK Build-tools 图2 然后重新编译OK
启动eclipse的时候,会出现项目就会报错,有很多的红叉,src 和res文件都会有错误,光标放过去 报错:R cannot be resolved to a variable,但是之前是没有错误的! 所以可以采取以下措施 1重启eclipse; 2重启机器; 3看res文件下的布局文件哪个有错误,修正一下; (布局文件报错从而引起整个工程找不到R文件的情况也还是有...
新建工程编译提示R cannot be resolved to a variable 图1 然后打开SDK Manager管理器,下载并安装Android SDK Build-tools 图2 然后重新编译OK
Developing for Android in Eclipse: R.java not regenerating (64 answers) Closed 10 years ago. In Eclipse, I've created a project from a source and now it shows errors - "R cannot be resolved to a variable". From what I found here, I had cleared and rebuilt the project, but still ...
In an array adapter I keep getting the error "R cannot be resolved as a variable" and I have know idea why this is happening and all I could understand from a quick google search is that R is a file automatically generated that shouldn't be causing any errors. I have tried refreshing...
I have a red line under R on Eclipse, throwing up the error "R cannot be resolved to a variable". It suggests that I import android.R, but when I do this, another red line comes up, this time under activity_main, saying it "cannot be resolved or is not a field". I have absolu...
在执行Project > Clean之后,我遇到了可怕的"Rcannot be resolved to a variable“错误。我追踪到了我的main.XML文件(不是java中典型的import.R)。在我的LinearLayout结尾处,它给出了一个类似于“解析XML时出错”的错误。要修复它,我必须清除main.XML中的所有代码,保存更改,然后重新键入它。修复了R无法解析的问题...
我是Java和Lombok项目的新手,我正在尝试遵循一些教程来更好地理解它。我创建了一个非常简单的java项目来测试Lombok项目,当我将annotation@Data添加到我的类中时,它会抛出错误Data cannot be resolved to a type。 我正在使用macOS和eclipseide来运行我的Java应用程序。以下是我运行我的第一个Java和Lombok项目所遵循的...
Releases:https://pmd.github.io/pmd-eclipse-plugin-p2-site/ Snapshots:https://pmd.github.io/pmd-eclipse-plugin-p2-site/snapshot/ 26-July-2024: 7.4.0.v20240726-0845-r This is a minor release. New and noteworthy Update to PMD 7.4.0 ...