使用Nios II 软件构建编译项目后 Eclipse工具,编译成功后, Eclipse文本编辑器中Field 'xx'could not be resolved和Symbol 'xx' could not be resolved消息。官方给的解释是意外错误标记,解决方案是: 解决方法 要防止出现消息和标记,请关闭 C/C 开发工具包中的代码分析 (codan) 功能, 如下: 选择项目。 在"项目...
当我启动Eclipse时,直到打开C ++文件(从该jni文件夹开始)之前,我没有任何错误。 我总是可以构建项目,但是只要打开了C ++文件,由于很多原因,我将无法再运行该应用程序 Field '<name>' could not be resolved. 如果我不打开C ++文件,则Eclipse不会报告任何错误,并且可以成功构建和部署Android应用程序。 有趣的事...
选择“eclipse -- myeclipse”的clean,R文件便会出现。在工程上点击鼠标右键,选择“Build Project”,R.java就会回复。这样在程序中调用R文件指向的资源,也就可以自动补全了。从别的工程中拷贝一份R文件过来,然后string.xml里随便改动一下,也可更新R文件。如果上述步骤都不行。可能是工程本身所引起...
In building "https://github.com/manuelbl/ttn-esp32" examples I have run across symbol or field could not be resolved errors. The programs seem to execute correctly so it appears this is an indexer issue. A particular symbol is "max_transfer_sz." It is found in C:/Espressif/frameworks/...
5.报错:activity_main cannot be resolved or is not a field 原因:可能是添加文件,比如xml文件或者资源文件时,系统自动添加了import android.R; android.R是系统提供的资源,R是应用程序的资源 解决方法:删除 import android.R;这条语句 6.(OpenCV导入)报错:Import of android.hardware.camera2 cannot be resolve...
I have an error that a symbol (e.g. bool or uint32_t) could not be resolved. What’s going on and what do I do about it? The odds are this is a false positive. Other symbols defined in the file are fine, but one shows up as an error. The code builds despite this error. ...
The source object provided to the status handler is the Java project for which the path could not be resolved. The status handler must return an IVMInstall or null. The container resolver will re-set the project's classpath if required. Since: 2.0 See Also: Constant Fi...
This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients. Field Summary Fields Modifier and TypeField and Description static String ABORT Configurable option value: "abort". protected static String ATT_HANDLE_ID Name of the handle id attribute in a Java marker. static String BUILDER_ID The...
The deprecated field net.sourceforge.pmd.eclipse.runtime.PMDRuntimeConstants.MAX_VIOLATIONS_DESCRIPTOR has been removed. The following deprecated classes have been removed net.sourceforge.pmd.eclipse.ui.preferences.br.FilterManager net.sourceforge.pmd.eclipse.ui.preferences.editors.FileEditorFactory ...