即使添加了所有项目需要的依赖的头文件,include path也完整时,依然会存在该问题,重启eclipse项目也不行, 终于在Stack Overflow...
Type'jclass'could not be resolved Method'NewStringUTF'could not be resolved Symbol'NULL'could not be resolved 出现的提示信息如下: Multiple markers atthisline-Syntax error-Type'JNIEnv'could not be resolved-Type'JNICALL'could not be resolved 是由于没有将jni.h导入的缘故,而这个文件在ndk的目录下面。
Windows–>Preferences–>Java–>Compiler–>Building–>Output folder–> ”Rebuild class files modified by others”. This exists in Eclipse 3.5; I’m not sure about earlier versions. Checking this seems to have fixed my problems.
Type 'JNIEnv' could not be resolved Type 'jobject' could not be resolved 解决办法如下:直接上图 保存即可,要是不起作用的话 按照以下再试一试
eclipse中出现Type 'xxxx' could not be resolved的处理方法,直接上图就明白了,修改工程的indexer属性就OK了。
eclipse c++中出现Type 'xxxx' could not be resolved的处理方法 修改工程的indexer属性就OK了。
eclipse error: * could not be resolved,打开Eclipse后,编辑c/c++,编译时出错:*couldnotberesolved,但运行结果正确。解决办法:在eclipse上,project->properties->C/C++General->indexer,将大部分选项都选中,如下图所示:假如都按照图片上的选项都选上了还
I'm not sure about how Eclipse handles dependencies internally but a module declaration should generally be ignored on the classpath. There is nothing else that could prevent the GLFW binding to access code from the Vulkan binding though. Somewhat unrelated, but I'm noticing that there's also...
public $error_code, $desc; function __construct($desc); { parent::__construct($desc); $this->error_code = $error_code; $this->desc = $desc; } } In the above code Exception is flagged. It marks it as an error "Exception could not be resolved to a type" ...