barplot(count,main="sample", xlab='improvement',ylab='frequency', ylim=c(0,40), col=c('#BBFFFF','#AEEEEE','#96CDCD'), legend=rownames(count), #显示图例 beside=T #T为分组条形图 ) #2.1 ggplot绘制上面分组条形图 ggplot(Arthritis,aes(x=Treatment,fill=Improved))+ geom_bar(position =...
偶然间找到了一份教程利用ggplot2绘制环状柱形图,个人感觉非常适合用来展示叶绿体基因组蛋白编码基因的dn/ds值,因为不仅能够通过柱状图的高低来比较dn/ds值的大小,还能够通过环状展示蛋白编码基因在叶绿体基因组上所处的位置 A circular barplot is a barplot where bars are displayed along a circle instead of a li...
dose=rep(c("D0.5", "D1", "D2"),2), len=c(6.8, 15, 33, 4.2, 10, 29.5)) head(df2) #柱子堆叠,fill的话表示根据supp参数填充颜色,相同的组填充相同的颜色 ggplot(data=df2, aes(x=dose, y=len, fill=supp)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") #柱子并列,使用参数position=position_dodge() ...
ggplot(pressure, aes(x=temperature, y=pressure)) + geom_line() + geom_point() #绘制点线图,相当于图层一个个叠加上去 2.画条形图 基础绘图系统:barplot(BOD$demand, names.arg=BOD$Time) #当变量为数值型,绘制条形图 barplot(table(mtcars$cyl)) #当变量为因子型,绘制频数条形图 qplot: 版本改掉了...
barplot(grade,border="green",names.arg=names, main="收入",xlab="哪天",ylab="收入",legend=c("营业","额外")) 绘制簇状(分组)条形图 math <- c(5, 15, 40, 25, 10) math2 <- c(10, 20, 30, 40,15) grade <- matrix(c(math,math2),2,5) ...
bar plot r语言 r语言barplot设置图例 library(ggplot2) sunspotyear = read.table("area_plot.txt",sep = "\t",header = T) ggplot(sunspotyear,aes(Year,Sunspots)) + geom_area() # change fill color and alpha ggplot(sunspotyear,aes(Year,Sunspots)) + geom_area(colour = "black",fill = "...
R语言ggplot2分三路进行通路富集气泡图 r语言ggplot条形图,本文内容来自个人做案例过程中遇到的一些问题,一是用普通的barplot(),所画条形图的条数太多,导致x轴的标签不能完全显示;二是用EXCEL可以解决一,但是画的条形图又不是太美观。因此,本文顺着这个方向,得到了
ggplot2保有命令式作图的调整函数,使其更具灵活性 ggplot2将常见的统计变换融入到了绘图中。 ggplot的绘图有以下几个特点:第 一,有明确的起始(以ggplot函数开始)与终止(一句语句一幅图);其 二,图层之间的叠加是靠“+”号实现的,越后面其图层越高。
# Make room for annotationsplt<-plt+theme(plot.margin =margin(0.05,0,0.1,0.01,"npc"))# Print the ggplot2 plotplt# Add horizontal line on top# It goes from x = 0 (left) to x = 1 (right) on the very top of the chart (y = 1)# You can think of 'gp' and 'gpar' as 'gra...
in ggplot2, and it got me thinking about trying to create a horizontal barplot. However, I am finding some limitations in being able to do this. Here is my data: df <- data.frame(Seller=c("Ad","Rt","Ra","Mo","Ao","Do"), Avg_Cost=c(5.30,3.72,2.91,2.64,1.17,1.10), Num=...