Sinetheta / solidus Mandily / solidus sinourain / solidus sirius248 / solidus sjc-kuruma / solidus skmtpalm / solidus SkubreevMaxim / solidus skukx / solidus skunklabs / solidus skycocker / solidus_devise_token_auth Herz3h / solidus_devise_token_auth slrbl / solidus Smoko...
aglow agony ahead aisle album algae alibi alien align alike alive allay alley allot allow alloy aloft alone along aloof aloud alpha amass amaze amble amend amiss amity among ample amply amuse angel angle angst anime ankle annex annoy annul anode antic anvil aphid aping apnea apple apply aptly ...
i = 100; % time points s=[i, 1]; % size r=22; % actual value Q=4e-5; % variance R=0.23; % measurement variance m = r + sqrt(R)*randn(s); % measured value v_est=zeros(s); % estimated variace :taken after measurment x_hat_minus=zeros 浏览2提问于2015-10-02得票数 0 3...
If P(E intersect F) = 0.012, P(E|F) = 0.04, and P(F|E ) =0.2, then Compute: (a) P(E). (b) P(F). (c) P(E union F). Suppose X_1,..., X_n \sim f(x, \theta) = \theta x^{\theta-1} for x \in [0,1], \theta is great...
f1 <-function(x, y = x) { x <-x + 1; y } s1 <-function(x, y = substitute(x)) { x <- x + 1; y } s2 <-function(x, y) { if(missing(y)) y <- substitute(x); x <- x + 1; y } a <- 10 f1(a) # 11 ...
a sin θ − b cos θ ≡ R cos α sin θ − R sin α cos θ Once again we will obtain (try it yourself!): `alpha=arctan\ b/a` and `R=sqrt(a^2+b^2)` Our equation for the minus case is: a sin θ − b cos θ = R sin(θ − α) Equations of the type...
costheta<-cos(theta)sintheta<-sin(theta)# May have BOTH multiple end points AND multiple# control points to generate (per set of end points)# Generate consecutive sets of control points by performing# matrix multiplicationcpx<-ox+((newx1-ox)%*%t(costheta))-((y1-oy)%*%t(sintheta))...
1. Absolute error. A ±2% tolerance is attributed to the expected value as a result of internal circuitry (most predominantly the 1/10 resistor divider). 2. Reference error. A ± 7mV offset mismatch in the circuitry referenced to FB. This provides a part capability of (V(NTC)/10) x ...
\Theta \Upsilon \Lambda \Phi 上下标 上标用^: = $a^2$ ; = $a^{2(c+d)}$ 下标用_: = $a_2$; = $a_{2(c + d)}$ 关系符和运算符 样式语法样式语法样式语法 \cos \exp \equiv \sin \to \bmod \lim \infty \times <<>>== ...