psmatch2 POSTAH size lev ROE loss MB1 SALESGROWTH SOE CAPE first PC ind1, outcome(disp1) n(1) ate ties logit common noreplacement pstest, both graph Stata命令运行结果如下: 答案1: r(2000)一般是指no observation r(2000)。出现该错误原因主要是pstest后面没有加进行平衡性检验的变量。正确的命...
原因一:数据缺失 原因二:数据类型不对(不是数值),解决方法:输入命令destring _all, replace
To statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu Subject st: re: r(2000) no obs Date Thu, 31 Mar 2005 07:13:01 -0500Louis said I get a "no observations" error message -r(2000)- when I execute a do file, and I'm having difficulty determining what's going wrong. According to the error message...
你分析的是回归分析 在stata中面板数据有特别的前缀:XT 面板回归最基础命令是XTREG 你用的REG不是面板数据的回归分析,而且没有观测值 所以提示no observations r(2000)
I get a "no observations" error message -r(2000)- when I execute a do file, and I'm having difficulty determining what's going wrong. According to the error message, I "have requested some statistical calculation and there are no observations on which to perform it. Perhaps you specified...
bootn:Vector of bootstrap repetition,可以理解为stata命令里面的自举抽样次数,即表示网格搜索数量 trimn:Vector of trimmed percentage,修整比例,根据门槛个数来确定,具体请看下面案例,1 2 3个门槛时候该选项不一致,请看案例 qn:Number of quantiles to examine,门限变量分割的分割点位数,一般默认为100, ...