我们可以使用geom_boxplot函数添加箱线图,并设置y轴变量为mpg(燃油效率)。 p<-p+geom_boxplot(aes(y=mpg)) 1. 这样就可以绘制出一个简单的箱线图了。 接下来,我们使用stat_boxplot函数来添加误差线。我们可以通过设置参数width和position来调整误差线的宽度和位置。 p<-p+stat_boxplot(aes(y=mpg),width=...
#1colnames(data)=c("fev", "height","inhaler", "age", "exercise")#给列名赋值summary(data) cor(data)#查看各个变量之间的关系plot(data) attach(data)#绑定数据boxplot(fev ~ inhaler,col="yellow",main="inhaler与fev箱线图",xlab="inhaler",ylab="fev",xlim= c(0,3), ylim = c(5,9), ya...
x = "supp", y = "len", fill = "supp", palette = "npg", add = "jitter")+ stat_compare_means() #添加p值,默认为 wilcoxon 检验 #更改为 t 检验 ggboxplot(ToothGrowth, x = "supp",
在绘制箱线图时,我们可以添加stat_compare_means来显示均值比较的结果: # 绘制箱线图并添加均值比较p<-ggboxplot(df,x="group",y="value",color="group",palette=c("#00AFBB","#E7B800"),add="jitter")+stat_compare_means() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 在上面的代码中,ggboxplot函数用来绘制箱线图,stat...
(n) In a single plot, draw the following subplots (1) a scatter plot of Murder (y) versus Illiteracy (x); (2) a histogram of Murder; (3) a normal Quantile-Quantile plot of Murder;(4) a boxplot of Murder and Illiteracy.
您可以使用stat_spike()与geom = "label"或geom = "text"以及after_scale()计算来确定位置。您必须...
Then, use ggplot to create a boxplot that shows MEDV for the different values of NOXCAT (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH). EXERCISE 3 (2 MARKS) [R-CODE] The newly created variable NOXCAT is a categorical variable with three possible values (LOW, ...
boxplot(fev ~ inhaler, col = "yellow", main = "inhaler与fev箱线图", xlab = "inhaler", ylab = "fev", xlim = c(0, 3), ylim = c(5, 9), yaxs = "i") boxplot(fev ~ height, col = "red", summary(lm1) #使用向前向后线性拟合剔除无关变量 ...
代码语言:javascript 复制 #1colnames(data)=c("fev","height","inhaler","age","exercise")#给列名赋值summary(data)cor(data)#查看各个变量之间的关系plot(data)attach(data)#绑定数据boxplot(fev~inhaler,col="yellow",main="inhaler与fev箱线图",xlab="inhaler",ylab="fev",xlim=c(0,3),ylim=c(5,...