当你在R中遇到“package 'annotationdbi' is not available for this version of R”的错误时,这通常意味着annotationdbi包可能不再支持你的R版本,或者该包已经被废弃并替换为其他包。以下是一些解决此问题的步骤: 1. 确认R语言的版本 首先,你需要确认你当前使用的R版本。你可以通过在R控制台运行以下命令来查看:...
1.在R包网站源上 https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/ 2.Ctrl+F搜索找到最新的安装包并下载 3.利用zip进行安装
我的R语言版本是4.0.2,安装graph包的时候出现如下报错 尝试过换源都无法下载 后来尝试在google想搜索graph包的官网,搜出来:https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/graph/index.html 应该是graph包被CRAN更新了,现在已不在使用 根据它的提示,进入链接:https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/g...
https://community.rstudio.com/t/package-s-not-available-for-r-3-6-0/30814/2 这个上面解释了为什么会有“package is not avaliable”的现象。原因1是该包还没有为你的R版本和操作系统在CRAN上构建,原因2是该包来自non-CRAN库,可能来自于如GitHub或RForge。
运行上述代码将安装extraTrees包,解决“R语言package extraTrees is not available for this version of R”错误。 ### 4. 总结 通过以上步骤,您应该已经成功解决了“R语言package extraTrees is not available for this version of R”错误。希望我的指导对您有所帮助,祝您在R语言开发中顺利前行!
选择package.zip⽂件 Linux上安装R包(离线安装):下载package.tar.gz⽂件 在Shell终端(注意不是R)输⼊:sudo R CMD INSTALL package.tar.gz 注意:需要sudo权限才能安装。否则提⽰:username is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.查看全部安装的R包:.packages(all.available=...
in the prompt:the status of the last command(success or failure);the amount of memory allocated by the current'R'process;the name of the R package(s)loaded by'pkgload'and/or'devtools';various'git'information:the name of the active branch,whether it is dirty,if it needs pushes pulls.You...
t in memory, then this extra step is not an option. A summary method is available for the output of this command. Value For covMcd.birch, returns a list containing: zbar Sz Det best estimate of location estimate of covariance the MCD A list containing a vector of which subclusters make...
(1997), and provides functions for creating CF-trees, along with algorithms for dealing with some combinatorial problems, such as covMcd and ltsReg. It is very well suited for dealing with very large data sets, and does not require that the data can fit in physical memory. License GPL ...
query_id : 结果可以标记为属于API的某个querymadeavailable接受任何值作为字符串,并将包含在participants返回的tible的每一行中,这是API在默认ca/pls/public/gscw031+9999995owa_no_site=314+99999owa_no_fiche=3+99999owa_bottin=中标记为Pupillometry的列。默认为空。 ... : 用于将任何其他参数传递给API。